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Trump is the 19th President of The American Nation (Blood Reich Volk White Aryan Warrior Bundes Krieg)

File: 1725138180038.jpg (91.53 KB, 334x334, 1721406064952.jpg)ImgOps Yandex


>max px size

the names of them will be identified in the subject
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File: 1721518068516.png (1.33 MB, 2048x1965, 50 - fact glasses pepe.png)ImgOps Yandex


Platinum Patriot Pass registrations will be listed in this thread
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volkreich88 has been accepted

File: 1727476988198.jpg (31.26 KB, 641x530, 1718630437137.jpg)ImgOps Yandex


submit captcha thumbnails here
should be 215x80 pixels
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File: 1716823538133.png (11.66 KB, 1048x870, f76d198c5472783a.png)ImgOps Yandex


post banners ITT


must be 300x100 (Custom size dimensions will be added in the future)

JPG, PNG and GIF accepted

filesize should be less than 100KB
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File: 1716659614832.png (157.03 KB, 400x400, pinned.png)ImgOps Yandex


Discuss about, or give feedback to The Ribbit Rally here
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File: 1717965950426.jpg (71.29 KB, 1024x958, 1586496549188.jpg)ImgOps Yandex


Please post some flags and ban image submissions ITT

flags should have a width of 16px and a height of 11px or 12px AND MUST BE A PNG

ban images must contain some variation of the word banned

there's no size limit for the ban images, but it should be a reasonable one

OPTIONAL: you can also use the gloss for your own flags
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File: 1731525580931.png (282.44 KB, 1080x485, 1731525561564.png)ImgOps Yandex


do we really need 2 catalog buttons? just one is enough


thats how its like on every other vichan


the shemmy at least


fair enough

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make sure to decrease >>>/weab/ 's pages to 10 so i can wipe it with ease
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Kek, it's kino!


can u also disable the captcha in weab


actually scratch that, just dont put an hourly thread limit so we can wipe with ease


why r some weabkike threads looped


idk, i uncycled them

File: 1731353844771.jpg (83.66 KB, 736x813, 1629265462700.jpg)ImgOps Yandex


/soicuck/ has been removed to distance ourselves from the soysphere.
Any soicuck whining will be promptly deleted, there's a million sites for that.
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coordinate boards.4chan.org redpilling operations


this. let's make /wb/ - Weab Fails as a replacement for /soicuck/


File: 1731425283482.png (93.02 KB, 609x597, 1566961519776.png)ImgOps Yandex

We can laugh at (((them))) on /qa2/ like we always do.


the last thing i will write about soikeks is that they became gay over self-inserting


spreading right wing values

File: 1731367527653.jpg (74.05 KB, 755x755, static-assets-upload101987….jpg)ImgOps Yandex


bring back /soicuck/, we were actually taking pedonigger sites down.
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Why them? I do not remember them doing something that disgusting


Exactly, he's telling you to fuck off there!


oh. i thouguht op was talking about removing soysphere forever

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