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The Rules

Global Rules

1. You will abide by US law as well as your local law. You will not post any illegal content, be it through text, images or otherwise.

2. (((Pornographic imagery))) is not allowed; no exceptions.

3. Refrain from posting filth such as: soyjaks (bidenjak, kamalajak, yotsoyba, troonjak, nate, and kikejak are OK), and tranime.

4. Frogposters only. (with a few exceptions)

5. You will not flood/spam the boards.

6. Posts with IRL gore will be spoilered.

7. Do not attempt to advertise your own website, business, community or similar. Except if it's something keyed and lilypilled.

/qa2/ Rules

1. See the sticky.

/vip2/ Rules

4. Same as /qa2/.

/q/ Rules

1. Must be meta related.

Janny Rules

1. Bans must not be more than 1 day (in most cases) because we encourage VPNs/proxies.

2. You must stay anonymous (no gay drama)