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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Online political discourse, holocaust redpills and frogposting are the last bastion of /qa/ culture, factual statement. For more than 9 months since our beginning, we've been pushing back against ZOG and their pozzed operations to subvert Western civilization with degeneracy and depraved ideologies and likewise propaganda. We bravely fought against the weab mafia, we stood for freedom, we sanctified the White race.
All the way back in 2020 after we fought off the weab mafioso sliding our threads, /qa/ was the only place where you could freely express right-wing thoughts without getting censored by ZOG and was the primary home to insightful political discussion, holocaust redpill generals and many self-improvement generals, all of this would be changed when a mob of tranny vermin started invading the board. It first started with soispamming parasites, none of which was needed on our board, an overwhelming amount of trannyhouspammers regrouped, and now bidenshills invaded. We all rallied together and instigated our duty to combat the foreign neo-colonist JIDF shill hegеmony plaguing our home.
An effort was thoroughly achieved in order to salvage the board from the infestation of unwanted invaders and spammers by deploying redpills to shoo them away, it initially succeeded and were about to witness the captivating future of /qa/ until (((they))) started enacting frog genocide by churning out politically correct tranime alternatives as an attempt to replace the iconic Pepe stare image but it never caught on because none of us bit the JIDF's bait. This matter only got worse when a mossad agent infiltrated moderation and stickied tranny agenda while silencing anyone who dared speak out against it, a shareblue shill would go as far as to form their own pozzed honeypot altchan we all know today (themeltingpot.win) where they coordinate raids and attacks on patriotic and inherently right-wing online spaces, their main target was of course none other than our homebase since it sprang out from there during the kike invasion.
Many of us eventually began to realize there's no coming back from this. "It's over" we thought. We bravely stood for what's left of our illusions and had developed a dynamic culture for our fellow free speech enthusiasts and MAGA loyals, and for what? To have a bunch of our insightful infographics and redpills buried and slid by neo-weab heathens? To have our entire catalog fillePost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Hello /qa2/, I am Stonetoss, an independent cartoonist specialized in making webcomics mainly covering current events. Feel free to AMA! I'll be here for as long as I can to answer your questions.
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Thoughts on the new McDonald's Trumpburger?

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Welcome to /qa2/ - Business Inquiries.
This is a board for the discussion of political events and … other things.
Outside of politics, this board has no specific theme and you are free to be yourself! Please note all global rules are in-force here.

(also no soicucks and weabs and cuckoldspammers, infiltrators are banned on sight - see thread for more info).

Automated by Trumpflare Security Intelligence. Last updated 06/22/24.


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Trumpflare is enabled.
The following will be banned:
>Kikespamming puppets
>Paid shills
>Glowie falseflaggers
>Anti-trump/Pro-kamala activists
>Leftypol raiders
>Commie advocates
>Touhou troons
>George Soros-funded (((derailers)))
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Do you guys think I should invite Mel Gibson to /qa2/? We could be doing so much with him in our charge.
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do it, it'd benefit us


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Is Mel Gibson /ourguy/?


>expressed his hatred for homosexuals in a 1991 interview leading to controversy
>got chased by the cops once, went on a rant about jews and called (((them))) out for being the filthy demon-possessed kikes (((they))) are
>hates niggers
>blacklisted from almost every (((hollywood))) industry
yeah i'm thinking he's one of us


I'm not personally blacklisted from anything in hollywood, they don't know who I am at all.
I'm just another anonymous nobody


i almost forgot
>coined the term "oven dodger"

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Hi, I'm Adam Conover, and this is Adam Ruins Everything. According to popular myth, 6 million jews were killed in the holocaust. But is that even scientifically possible? Let's find out. There are only two (!) confirmed concentration camps that used ovens to kill jews, the supposed main method of corpse disposal. But even just approaching this mathematically, 6 million is simply impossible. We will generously assume you can fit 5 jews in an oven and cook them for an hour. If you do this 24/7 without breaks for cleaning or repair, and operate them from the proposal of the final solution in 1942 to the liberation of the camps in 1945, you end up with a number that does not come even close to 6 million. Is it secret nazi technology we haven't rediscovered yet? Or have they somehow found a way to bury 6 million corpses without anyone noticing a thing to this day? I will let you figure out this one, folks. Anyways, that's it and see you in the next episode of Adam Ruins Everything!

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I just got banned from kohlchan


what did you do


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I'm guessing he was opposed to pedophilia, which is illegal on kohlchan
You're required to be a pedophile on kohlchan to even post…

Sorry for staining the motives of qa2triots.win and dishonoring them by posting "chudjak" which is a (((jewish))) demoralization campaign against White Aryans on /pol/ that didn't work because White Aryans on /pol/ don't look like that, kek
Again I'm sorry, but I felt it necessary for this meme…


(((They))) hate anyone who isn't a pedophile degenerate


lmao this fag can't even beat KC's proxy detection software


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Are you talking to me?

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ITT: Posters you recognize.

>Jew with an Italian proxy

>Jew with a Greek proxy
>Jew with an American proxy
>Jew with a Brazilian proxy
>Jew with an Argentinian proxy
>Jew with a German proxy
>The inbred ukrainian-turk-mutt Ryuukonigger who posts with a Russian flag (He's a janitor on /a/ and /c/ but he spends a lot of time here for some reason)
>The literal diagnosed autistic cuckold swede Cereanigger (He's a janitor on /a/ and /c/ but he spends a lot of time here for some reason)
>The Turk who pretends to be black
>The Brazilian who pretends to be black
>The Finn who pretends to be asian
>The Japanese cunnyfag
>The nice Indian fella who posts helpful and informative infographics about race and caste
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the swedish cuck cereafag janitor
the black incel amerimutt miiafag janitor
the russian vatnik orc mutt hohol rapebaby ryuukofag janitor
the gay cuck who says "ninibros" in every thread
the schizo in the precure general who mass replies with "fuck off" to everyone's posts
the schizo from the licoris recoil general who has a visible meltdown if you say anything bad about the black guy (might be miianigger janny)
various nu/a/ discord tranime troons who pretend to be oldfrogs and mass reply to people's posts with "go back nazi racist" or "go back chuf" if you voice any sort of even remotely right-wing opinion about tranime
various spics who leave their /dbs/ containment thread too often for their own good
the gay cuck who has a literal crying meltdown every time he sees a pepe or a wojack


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those digits…




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>15 minute timer becomes mandatory sitewide
>sudden increase in frogposting across the boards
Freedom at last. Weabs are roping en masse right now as we speak while we're still thriving, the golden age of 4chan begins now.




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I personally don't know how to feel about this tbh


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[Verse 1]
McDonald's is the place to rock
It is a restaurant where they buy food to eat
It is a good place to listen to the music
People flock here to get down to the rock music

Rock 'n' Roll McDonald's
Rock 'n' Roll McDonald's
Rock 'n' Roll McDonald's
Rock 'n' Roll McDonald's

[Verse 2]
McDonald's will make you fat
They serve Big Macs
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Kek. Kino.


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