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are ponies welcome here?

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>They were treated extremely well (by POW standards) until the last few months of the war, when Germany was cut off from material and fuel due to allied bombing and the two fronts closing in. When they couldn't even take care of their own citizens, of course the POWs were going to get the worst of it.
Fun fact: The concentration camps the German built were objectively the most humane POW camps ever built.

What was life really like at the Auschwitz "extermination camp"?

Auschwitz "holocaust survivor" jew interviews, in their own words… watch this.





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>disinfecting the camps with the primary typhus treatment at the time, the pesticide Zyklon B which kills the insect that causes typhus
Fun fact: The US used Zyklon B on the US-Mexican border for decades… yet jews catch a whiff and die by the millions. Weird, huh?
>The fuim a shilltion was carried out in an area of the building that American officials called, ominously enough, "the gas chambers." An article written in a German scientific journal in 1938 specifically praised the El Paso method of fuim a shillting Mexican immigrants with Zyklon B


Zyklon B (a bug spray) is a piss-poor method of trying to kill people. In fact Zyklon-B was manufactured NOT to kill people. Zyklon-B is liquid hydrogen cyanide (HCN has a boiling point of 26ºC or 78ºF) infused into an inert substance like diatomaceous earth or wood chips. Hot air blowers are needed to vaporize the HCN. Talk of Zyklon-B being dumped into a gas chamber and people dying within minutes is physically impossible.

And why would the Germans use something as inefficient as bug spray when they, for example, had 12,500 TONS (enough to kill 70 million people) of human killing Tabun nerve gas just sitting around unused? Or, you know, bullets etc.?


Leading holocaust authority Dr. Franciszek Piper about why there was so little Zyklon B residue in the walls of the locations alleged to have been homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau (far less than would be necessary to kill humans). Needless to say Piper's reply was contradictory and evasive. Fortunately for those individuals interested in real history, a camera was rolling at the time and Piper's reply was captured for posterity.

Here are the segments of the interview concerned with the Zyklon B residue:
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EVERY major camp was found to have Zyklon B on site (due to the typhus plague), both the USSR captured so-called "extermination camps" and the US captured non-extermination camps.

Pic: jews initially claimed all 30+ POW camps were "extermination camps".

Then every camp captured by the US showed zero evidence of "extermination chambers" or any other form of systematic mass killing.

ONLY the Soviets claimed they found evidence of large scale gas chamber killing… after refusing outside investigators for years… and after (now admittedly) RECONSTRUCTING the camps.

What a coincidence.
>gas chambers only in the form of “replicas”
Soviet reconstructions and other lies exposed, ON SITE, here:


Up until 1945, Allied propaganda claimed that all the concentration camps, particularly those in Germany itself, were "extermination camps", but not for long. Soon US troops saw the truth for themselves. Well respected American historian Harry Elmer Barnes wrote:
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>Moved to /weab/
Kek get fucked retard. YWNBAW.


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*sharts on your post*

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Trump is a fascist who at the unite the right rally called neo-nazis "very fine people". Do we rally want him running our country?


you're barking up the wrong tree

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Frogs, I am disappoint


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*sharts on your post*

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>Trans rights flag
>Child porn folder
>Falseflagging techniques
>Trumpflare status

MAGAcucks are done.(IP ADDRESS: TEL AVIV)
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weab (((kike))) faggot, KEK
KEK, glory to Trump.


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*sharts on your post*




you will always be jewish


this bait sucks. be better, bitch ass nigga.

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>the ribbit rally
>the shemmy
what other sites on the pepesphere are there?
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we used to have frenschan


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boards.4chan.org, X.com, etc


so true


Frenschan? Even I think the site was too much. Felt feddy.

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Trump should host a hamburger party. Even if he loses.
Also, what do you guys think of Vance?

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>Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender


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It's what you really are weab
Don't ever deny it.


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don't be chuddy


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*sharts on your post*


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You sound like a kike. A coin clipping kike. A jewish bald rat kike.

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hi froag


Is this the best you got? I'd be pretty embarrassed too desu.


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kill yourselves subhuman vermin


holy weab meltdown kek

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