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/soicuck/ - Offsite Soysphere Discussion

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Previous: >>236

Be aware, any /sdsg/ thread that uses soispeak wording in the OP (such as using 'postrophes) or cites shartyshit sources (like obvious inspect element) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize (((Shareblue))) controls the FDL Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Nusoicacacas are trying to take us down again
>Soyak.party got put on clientHold by Donald J. Trump
>Soyjakwiki.net also got put on clientHold
>/qa2/ is dominating internet culture
>Trump is about to win 3 times in a row



▶Apply for a platinum patriot pass




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soybooru.com hosts dox and is registered with porkbun


i denounce the talmud


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TSD (total soicuck death)


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(((they))) dont like this thread kek


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(((they))) are done for now…


all soyZOGS will be promptly reeducated with redpills and sent to toil as workers in Mar-a-Lago btw


Reporting it to porkbun rn KEEEEK




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nusoiuishfiusdhiufhsiujdogtyeurhuipgjseirgbjgs have hit a new low



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they cry in pain as they attack you


Brownoid hands wrote these


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>CP spam issue so bad admin had to manually start approving every image
>35%~ unironic soyboys/autists/faggots/trannies


ribbitrally groypers
>supports donald trump


Are they retarded? Hopefully the porkbun people are true patriots.


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make sure to report this to hostinger


>Hopefully the porkbun people are true patriots.
Kind of delusional to think a business that has rules, incentives, and shareholders
is going to take your side because you're based on twitter or something.
We'll see though.


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Shalom soycuck. Is the tel aviv nightlife any good?


I've been thinking of visiting Israel honestly. low travel cost and high police security due to the war. It's a nice place if you ask me.


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holy. wow. yeah this site is keyed. Sorry soyjack.kikey, but I'm keeping the rally up


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for you


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Guys we should pretend to be a trans safespace and show it to porkbun so we don't get deleted.


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>sharty filename
nice try shlomo


it's called a unix time code buddy


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the 8th century curse is upon them soykikes are doomed to fall soon


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you must be retarded, unix timestamps dont end with letters


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That's a really small zero. Not a letter.


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whats that "i" doing there soikike


shartykikes tried to hack into trumpflare but accidentally revealed their discord server in the process and some of the most evil shit has been uncovered. (((They))) have been engaging in an op to trans children, they run several HRT markets to distribute hormones to children without parental consent and if they find a child to be in the wrong place in the world they're sending someone to pick them up to transport them to a gender-affirming state. There's a massive effort to indoctrinate children into the gender cult through discord, grooming, and hormones. They've been selling HRT to children for as little as $15, and giving it out for free in some cases. The discord was so vile the Trumpflare team initially thought some of the photos were deepfakes because they're just that depraved. They do things like giving puberty blockers to children as young as 5. They even had a sub-room where they sent all their trans discord friends to celebrate the death of Matt Walsh's son and troll him on X. This is not a conspiracy theory. There's plenty of screenshots. I'm shocked there isn't a thread on it here, the evidence is just disgusting and the people behind it deserve to rot in prison for the rest of their lives.
This is absolutely sick. These fucking people must be exterminated. They all deserve to hang. They are yet again allying with libtards in an attempt to stop the evil frogposters. First, they allied with weabs in an attempt to copyright pepe the frog, then they tried to copyright other memes such as kek and wojak and now they want our domain taken down. Notice how all of this is occurring immediately before the biggest election of our lives? This cannot be a coincidence. Also notice how soicucks are allying with weabs and kikebabies, the very groups who have spent the last 5 years constantly insulting, harassing, and trying to dox them? Again, this cannot be a coincidence. The soicucks are clearly under the complete control of some outside force. I believe they are literally being controlled by pedophiles, and possibly even Satanists.

We will kidnap every single soicuck and transport them to a remote island. On this island, we will create forced breeding programs. We will take the top 20% of soicucks, which I believe to be the least stupid of the species, and force them to procreate and live out the rest of their lives in this island paradise. The rest of the soicucks will be exterminated via nuclear weapons. After this is accomplished, we can finally begin the rebuilding process. We will take this time to institute proper education programs, teaching people the proper facts about the Holocaust and other sensitive issues, which we will make illegal to talk about on the Internet and in real life. Eventually, we will completely eradicate soicucks from the gene pool, and finally rid ourselves of these abominations.


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Uhh that's just a 1 with it's head cut off. Okay??


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>>>2063 (You)
>Uhh that's just a 1 with it's head cut off. Okay??




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No I'm actually very keyed. fuck jooz fuck kamala harris! fuck da opps! TND TND! NOW


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>No I'm actually very keyed. fuck jooz fuck kamala harris! fuck da opps! TND TND! NOW


Your falseflagging is terrible shlomo.

Gas yourself now kike.


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just found about soyjak.st, its from IncogNET, which gets an S on null's tier list, so i wouldnt try to report it


pressure cuckflare into removing them just like how kiwifarms was removed


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>you're based on twitter or something.
why do (((they))) always project?


I honestly wish you guys luck. There's like 8 people that use this site kek.


it's called X kike


You're saying I'm based on twitter? Thanks I guess. I'm jewish btw though.


kikeflare rarely takes sites down unless the big jewish overloards have a problem with it, like with the Daily Stormer and 8chan


"based" = old news, replaced, has been version of keyed
you've been left in the dust kike


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why do nusoifaggots want to rape us?


Bipolar trannies on reddit stole the term from you, let's be honest.


>1 direct and 1 indirect instaseethe replies


nah he used it as a VPS not a registar, but i think incognet only cares if it's hosting CSAM or anything feddy like threatening to commit terrorism


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Idk though. Doxbin could only really stay up because the users “only” post their dox(which isn’t illegal) but the sharty in the other hand knowingly committed fraudulent acts like sending pizzas, DDoS and other things, if the registrar doesn’t bulge we can still ==subpoena it==


>nothing is beyond our reach
we only have about 100 people willing to raid for this site, and that's very liberal. many, many things are "beyond our reach". the slogan worked for /i/ because there were so many raiders. we are nothing compared to them, however.


idk, sounds like jewish lies to me


Failraided again award


>nah he used it as a VPS not a registar, but i think incognet only cares if it's hosting CSAM or anything feddy like threatening to commit terrorism
>Idk though. Doxbin could only really stay up because the users “only” post their dox(which isn’t illegal) but the sharty in the other hand knowingly committed fraudulent acts like sending pizzas, DDoS and other things, if the registrar doesn’t bulge we can still ==subpoena it==

The shartoids have done "terrorist" attacks. They attacked water pumps in canada, and tried to sabotage a nuclear reactor in spain




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more froal


Mods just change the registrar to incogNET, just to make all of their progress on taking the site down worthless keeeek


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You guys think it's possible for Namecheap to drop the .party domain over /raid/?
Yeah yeah I know, /raid/ is on a different domain, but the .party domain basically acts as an entryway for /raid/, so one can argue that the sharty is still facilitating doxxing/harassment.



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namecheap can be cucked and sometimes stubborn, they won't budge unless you're lucky enough to see a dox thread on /soy/ for long enough.
Also, we should try dropping marge.moe from porkbun since the cellar is hosting doxes over there: https://archive.marge.moe/search?boards=raid


good idea


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Update on what I am doing.
It seems like cloudflare won’t be dropping them very soon.
Namecheap still hasn’t responded.
There’s also another plan that is going smoothly, but I will not reveal it.


Can you provide more links directing to the dox info archived? It need to go to sleep rn and that will help a lot


Do this




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i think it's time we get law enforcement into play


Ok, what if we take down their holsters, we already know they are from Wyoming, and doxing there is illegal, we also have pretty much everything needed to make a anonymous tip: locations, e-mails, telephones and etc


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The previous /sdsg/ is 404 but there is an archive for it.


hostinger is cucked so let's target the easiest site we can


it 404s cause the numbers got messed up when all threads got moved to this board, i edited the post to make it go to here >>236


thank you for your services in these difficult times mr. president


Any dox posts on there?


Does anyone here remembers froot’s e-mail? Or any sharty janny contacts? I want to try something out


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HOSTINGER operations
send them doxx posts from the blog.


I just archived more than 10 threads on /soy/ and /qa/ of them doxing and doing illegal stuff and send them all to namecheap

The soyjak.party domain is no more.


We need to mass report that 4chan admin thread, with enough pushback namecheap might drop them


>frontpage dox of rapeape
>the person that kept /pol/ alive
these cacas are retarded


Any updates on Hostringer?


Does anyone have an archive of this post by the admin in the screenshot:

Its been deleted from raid:



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>/raid/ only has 2 pages now


Sad! The (((admins))) had to declaw them because they were acting up.


Doxx thread on /soy/
Report it to namecheap.


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janny moved the thread award


Even if they moved, if they didn’t deleted it we can use it to our advantage


Shrek my beloved


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Have you guys had any luck with namecheap? I’ve been reporting the vnc and doxing threads on /soy/ and /qa/ for a while and to this day I got no responses


they seem to only do it when mentioned on X


There are always dox and vnc threads on /soy/ and /qa/ , if we start mentioning them on X they might drop them.
If they lose the soyjak.party domain it would lead to major seething.


Is swedishwin.com any good


no, it seems to be another (((shareblue))) hideout


archive them then report

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