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/卐/ - National Socialism

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was hitler actually socialist or was he far right


well some sources say he was, for example https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-wing_fascism


is there even such thing as left wing fascism?


It's important to remember that "socialism" was a popular word even among right-wing people in Germany at the beginning of the XX century. Bismarck already called his policy "State socialism". Bismarck implemented some social policies like social insurance while banning the socialists. It is sometimes called "right-wing socialism". The interesting point here is that this kind of "right-wing socialism" was developed against Marxist socialism specifically. So this is what the Nazis had in mind when considering themselves as "socialists".


The definition of fascism is literally defined by being far right..


Wrong. The definition of Fascism is as follows; Fascism was a totalitarian far-left, socialist 3rd position ideology based on National Syndicalism which they adapted from a French Marxist, known as Georges Sorel. It rejected individualism, capitalism, liberalism, democracy, and marxism. The means of production was organized by national worker syndicals (i.e. trade unions), and the guiding philosophy of the state was Actual Idealism.

Fascism was an outgrowth of Sorelian Syndicalism, which itself was an outgrowth from Marxist socialism. The idea was that society would be consolidated (i.e., incorporated) into syndicates (in the Italian context, fascio/fasci) which would be regulated by and serve as organs for the state, or "embody" the state (corpus = body). The purpose was the centralization and synchronization of society under the state, as an end unto itself. To quote Mussolini's infamous aphorism: "All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state."

As created by Mussolini and Giovanni Gentile, Fascism comes from a belief that the "Stateless and Classless society" Communism calls for after its dictatorship cannot achieve Socialism, and that only the State can properly organize a Socialist Society. It cared about unity in a strong central government with society being brought together by syndicalist organizations obedient to the State.


Hitler didn't initially want to call it socialism. He was thinking something more along the lines of "Social Revolutionary Party," but his Austrian advisor in the DAP recommended "National Socialist German Worker's Party" to him instead to better appeal to workers. Not because they had any actual socialist policies, nor any policies that wold benefit working people, but for one simple reason.

It might be difficult for anyone in Canada or America to understand, but back in 1920s-1930s Germany it was very politically beneficial to call yourself "socialist" regardless of your actual policies. But this ploy never really worked, the Nazis were never able to secure nearly as many working class votes as the Communist Party and Social Democratic Party at the time since their populist posturing was so obviously hollow. There were some nazis who did hold more left-leaning views, but they learned the hard way during the Night of Long Knives that their party was a firmly right wing one, as much economically as socially.

When the nazis came to power, the first concentration camps they built were for communists/socialists, they banned all unions and forced workers to instead join the "German Labor Front" which was lead by a pro-business nazi and workers had no control over, they privatized and deregulated state-owned industries, they cut wages, and the German banking/business/junker classes that supported their rise to power remained politically influential and profited immensely throughout the nazi regime. They did expropriate some property though, specifically Jewish small business owners who took up a small sliver of the german economy. But they didn't nationalize it like some socialist would. They "Aryanized" it, selling it off to business owners of "german blood."

Calling the nazis "socialist" renders the word completely meaningless, which is what Hitler explicitly wanted to do.


"What “leftist movement” was Himmler, Hitler, Goering, or any of the nazi leadership part of prior to the Nazi party? "

Well Hitler at least took part in two failed Communist revolutions in Bavaria during the 1919 with the Bavarian Soviets, against Freikorps Epp.


"joining a far right nationalist party"

Nothing to do with Far-Right.


"Aryanization did not involve any nationalization of industries."

Yet nationalization of the German industry happened.


" What the German state seized was auctioned off back to the private sector, "

Never happened, unless you are talking about some stocks the sold back during the early 1940s in the last effort to fix their failed socialist economy.


"Hitler himself made clear he viewed market economics and the “private initiative” as the most efficient "

Hitler was never in favor of any kind of market based economic system. On the contrary, he made himself very clear that he was in favor of State driven economy, prioritizing the "common good" of the nation before "private good".

"A strong State will see that production is carried on in the national interests, and, if these interests are contravened, can proceed to expropriate the enterprise concerned and take over its administration."
- Hitler and I, quotes from unspecified earlier dates per Otto Strasser, Boston, MA, Houghton Mifflin Company (1940)

"Germany's economic policy is conducted exclusively in accordance with the interests of the German people. In this respect I am a fanatical socialist, one who has ever in mind the interests of all his people."
- Speech on the 21st Anniversary of the National Socialist Party (24 February 1941)


"They popularized the word “privatization."

Wrong. They didn't and they never used such a word. "Privatization" was coined by some random journalist in "the Economist" magazine. Nothing to do with the Nazis which used the word "Gleichschaltung", a system of totalitarian control and coordination over all aspects of German society from the economy and trade associations to the media, culture and education.


"The Reichsminister of economics was a total market liberal who had much the sane pro-capitalist agenda."

Wrong. Josef Wagner had nothing to do with market liberalism. On the contrary, he was literally the one who fixed prices.


"The Nazis made alliances with the business elite in Germany, "

Wrong. There was no alliance. Businesses were subjugated under the interests of the State. Either they did what the State told them do of they got expropriated


i saw someone on soykike's /pol/ saying he likes centrist fascism


todays politics are too different from that time so idk


anyways, i think denying the holocaust is an insult to the aryans who contributed to it


fucking true


power of 2 get


keyed, we still need a second one though


how about a holocaust for niggers


and a holocaust for the m*grants that are invading evrope


keyed and infraredpilled


cringe and ultravioletpilled


die kike die


>die kiACK


die nusoyclucka die


mods rangeban and leak kis ip


what is "kis"


"his" but for kike


lets make pronouns but for kikes


kou, khe, kshe, khey


cockmala is a kshe


kshe will enact TCD (total christian death)


kshe will be the marxist hitler


thats very niggeric


we cant let a nigger be president


far right fascism will save us, praise kek


hitler was a rightgod, he pretended to be a leftard to get fame from niggworkers


what if trvmp is doing that but the other way around


he would never, dont let the schizophrenia remove the kek from you


cant wait to see trannies seething when he wins and project 2025 is enacted


reply to this thread with praise kek if you roundhouse kick niggers into concrete





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i slam dunk nigger babies into the trashcan


i defecate on nigger food


i karate chop niggers in half with a katana


i do something from tnd


i transhear (hate) niggers


Praise Kek.


Everyone above me is a different person - a different frogCHAD, a different theribbitrally.org enjoyer… We're winning bigly and dominating internet culture at this rate


actually it was a falseflag, every post above was mine to steal the get kek


froogoogagas btfo (even doe i lost)


Sane and exemplary member of the Aryan race


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>A genocide should be perpetrated against the froogoogagaish population of the internet- a genocide the likes of which the world has never seen before. The genocide should start with lone wolf attacks the green cretins. Our prime targets will be any major websites with froogoogagas residing in them. I call on all the internet to rise up and begin rangebanning froogoogagas from their sites. You must have no sympathy for the filthy froogoogaga. You must massacre froogoogagas of all sites, whether that involves ddosing theribbitrally.org or nuking froogogagaish subreddits and discord servers. You must remember that there is absolutely no such thing as an innocent froogoogaga, as all froogoogagas are a hivemind bent on the destruction of the soyjak culture. Never show an ounce of sympathy for any froogoogaga, just as you would not sympathize with a flea, a tick or any other parasite - the life of a froogoogaga has no more value than that of a louse or a tapeworm. Once violence against froogoogagas goes viral, we can overthrow our traitorous froogoogagaish-run moderation and institute a regime that will ensure total annihilation of the froogoogagaish poison once and for all. Every single filthy froogoogaga must be permabanned and doxxed.


Mix as I know.


Hitler was not a socialist. It was literally just an appeal to the brainwashed working class at the time that the rest of the DAP wanted, Hitler was pressured.

Mussolini LARPed as one until the day she hanged but really wasn't a socialist either.

That's not a definition, you retard. That's a description.


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Hitler was not left wing or right wing, he was a National Socialist.

National Socialism stands by it's own unique Weltanschauung, or world view, a world view based on Natural laws and it's eternal principles.

The National Socialist world view is well beyond mere politics, elections or parties, for it is instead a serious spiritual and Natural matter of a truly eternal and powerful doctrine, one who is eternally comitted to the common good of the Folk, the People as a homogenous Racial unit that form the Nation, being the foundational stone of any proper Nation-State.

Now, in the current conditions, National Socialism might have to manifest itself through the modern political setting, and in that area it often has some similarities with Third Positionist thought, albeit it is still different.

I recommend you read the following articles on National Socialism in order to educate yourself on the matter:



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