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/qa2/ - White Christmas

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Days until Trump's inauguration (DOTR)

File: 1732311126017.jpg (277.78 KB, 736x813, 3005 - bath blue_backgroun….jpg)ImgOps Yandex


Patriots, it's imperative that Trump is able to keep TrumpFlare from letting pedos, kikes, weabs, and soicacas into our pond. He needs our help to come up with Patriot Modules to expand Trumpflare's capabilities.

What ideas do you have to ensure Trumpflare's able to detect and thwart all infiltrating kikes from our pond? I would like to keep our pond a bubbly white and not let it become a shit-skin brown.


"submit fQr hashban" buttQn under pQsts that submit tranime pictures tQ a mQderatQr fQr hashban


File: 1732314419619.jpg (80.66 KB, 900x900, 85 - hand_on_chin looking_….jpg)ImgOps Yandex

good idea patriot, but im afraid that this will have to be reserved for verified patriots and whites only. I could see a kike abusing this to try to get aryan frogs banned.


Checked and bizinqued.


yes, but that's why it wQuld be submitted tQ a mQderatQr. the mQd wQuld have tQ inspect it befQre it gets hashbanned.


make sure its also fuzzy hashing so the kikes cant just change one pixel to (((bypass))) the hash ban


And alsQ gQ tQ weab bQQrus and scrape them fQr hashes tQ ban. yQu dQnt need tQ dQ this if yQu dQnt have much space


trump won


Was there any doubt?


Perhaps trumpflare could have a new detection which detects embedding in an image, if it detects embeds in an image itll automatically spoiler them

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