The True History of 4chan
4chan was created by the right-wing patriot known as Moot in October 2003. It was unlike any other internet forum at the time, as it had its own unique layout known as the imageboard, adding to the list of things invented by the white man. (Gooks try to claim that they were the ones that invented the imageboard with the Jewish media backing this up, despite having no proof.) Moot created 4chan in response to the kike menace that was infiltrating the west. Its largest board being /a/ - Aryan Values, this board being the reason why the white race still exists today. 4chan was the home of many patriots like Matt Furie, who was inspired by 4chan to create Pepe the Frog. This frog would become a staple of 4chan culture and would even become the website's mascot. Another patriot that used the site was Donald Trump himself. Trump was known as the /a/ board's most popular poster; he would share many insightful redpills, most notably about the holohoax.Red Hats Slay William Rothschild of TRR has been archived
Infinite pages have been removed and the page count has been reduced to 88. This will greatly improve performance and will encourage a higher PPD/TPDDILBERTMAN GOING ALL IN Trumpflare with Patriot Modules
Patriots, it's imperative that Trump is able to keep TrumpFlare from letting pedos, kikes, weabs, and soicacas into our pond. He needs our help to come up with Patriot Modules to expand Trumpflare's capabilities.ZOG is done for
currently developing the trumpernet to rival the internet. all websites will have built in trumpflare protection meaning all of them will be completely free from (((shills))). every patriot will be able to get their own domain for free featuring the .maga tld, or any other custom tld if you wish, and im willing to provide static hosting. the domains are also free from ZOG interference, meaning (((they))) wont be able to shut you down.White Hats Thwart Thanksgiving Day False Flag Massacre saying "nigger" and "kike"
just start saying nigger and kike in normal everyday conversation. say it a lot. write nigger and/or kike in your next letter. it's not illegal to say nigger or kike yet. just start saying it. start saying it a lot. start using nigger and kike in your writing. if anyone asks you about it, remind them, "it's just a word, nigger", or, "it's just a word, kike". if anyone continues to be a bitch about it, tell them, "fuck off, nigger", or, "fuck off, kike"More White Hats Head to Border Prepping for Mass Deportation Program Hat Council Member Resigns Over Trump Nominee made them take down the streaming feature kikes post something accidentally based & quisit
(((They))) portrayed the "neo-Nazi" as a blond Aryan chad, (((they))) really know our priorities! Guess we can settle together to make our differences.MIIANIGGER DOX THREAD
miianigger is fucking realCouldn't resist posting this fremmy Arrests….Ellen DeGeneres and wife, Portia de Rosi Deal With Tren De Aragua Gang Members in Texas, Old West Style frog
I am Poopy. I am Frog. I am Aryan. Die söicaca die. Die SÖICACA die. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the Frog2020 reich will gas ALL SÖICACAS. Frog is führer, Frog is GOD. FROG MAGA MD2GA @POTUS Q WWG1WGA .P will rebuild roman empire. P is messiah. P is king. P is fuhrer. P is emperor. P is GOD. P will instanciate TND. P and FROG will save the white race. kill söicacas kill söicacas kill snowmans kill kikes TND TSP TFD TKD white power 1488 KKK swastika SIEG HEIL for the reich the #Frog1488 reich. Kill söicacas. Behead söicacas. Roundhouse kick a söicaca into the concrete. Slam dunk a söicaca baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy söicacas. Defecate in a söicacas food. Launch söicacas into the sun. Stir fry söicacas in a wok. Toss söicacas into active volcanoes. Urinate into a söicacas gas tank. Judo throw söicacas into a wood chipper. Twist söicacas heads off. Report söicacas to the IRS. Karate chop söicacas in half. Curb stomp pregnant söicacas. Trap söicacas in quicksand. Crush söicacas in the trash compactor. Liquefy söicacas in a vat of acid. Eat söicacas. Dissect söicacas. Exterminate söicacas in the gas chamber. Stomp söicacas skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate söicacas in the oven. Lobotomize söicacas. Mandatory abortions for söicacas. Grind söicacas fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown söicacas in fried chicken grease. Vaporize söicacas with a ray gun. Kick old söicacas down the stairs. Feed söicacas to alligators. Slice söicacas with a katana. Gas kikes. Masturbate kikes to death. Throw kikes into a river. Propel kikes into the söicacahell. Skin kikes alive. Boil kikes in holy water. Rape kikes. Fabricate kikes into soap. Slam kikes with a wooden door. Use kike babies as soccer balls. Hang kikes on their noses. Cook kikes in an oven. burn kikes to ashes. Smite kikes. Slam kikes with holy bible. Spit on kikes. Feed kikes to kraken. Sacrifice kikes to moloch.FEMA Director Deanne Criswell Beaten “to Pulp” at GITMO after Guards Find Phone in Her Cell to Purge Treasonous Officers Hats Arrest Unnamed PA Election Official for Election Fraud, Treason. Director Christopher Wray, Charged With Treason, Eludes JAG Dragnet is /a/ a leftist kike board? Why is /a/ ran by anti-white KIKES? Arrest Mayorkas and Red Hats Crush FEMA at Michigan Air Force Base advice
me and my pond are considering investing our hard earned trumpbux into Elon Musk's DOGE project to further his plan for killing all the kikes, wogs, and libtards in government, but we've also heard that other MAGA projects may be more lucrative for the safety of the white race.White and Red Hats Ambush FEMA in Florida IS GOD
>doesn't do it for freeWhy is a leftist kike imageboard? Why is run by leftist kikes?
>- No spamming, no memeposting (pepes etc).the story of how /qa/ shut down
It all began when the Jewish international banking cartel used their golems (spinoffniggers), and weabkikes to spread degeneracy across /qa/. Fortunately (((their))) operation initially failed due to low funding, and us /qa2/triots laughed (((them))) off. That was until miianigger stepped in and convinced the (((Rothschilds))), the main funders of the operation, to give more money, citing just how good /qa/ frogposters were at redpilling. With Miianigger's newly gained wealth, he decided to start a discord server along with his fellow schizo /a/ janitors, and some troon named Verniy. (((They))) then all began to recruit degenerate kikes on mass, buying many 4chan ads on /a/ for example. (((They))) offered promises of income to these NEETs if (((they))) would just post on /qa/. With the tables turned, what was thought to be a safe heaven for the white race (frogposters), was now becoming filled to the brim with Kikespamming puppets, Glowie falseflaggers, Anti-trump/Pro-biden activists, Soicucks, Leftypol raiders, Commie advocates, Weabspammers, /vt/rannies, /s4s/trannies, Demoralizing troons, BBC (((propagandists))), Deep State shills, and more. Some patriots like charafag realized what was happeing, and began to speak out against the operation, only to get his posts deleted by the the same """people""" he was speaking out against. It got so bad that RapeApe, 4chan's head moderator, had to pull the plug sadly, shutting down /qa/.The MAGA weab & soicuck extinction recently started payouts!
Greetings everyone! I woke up today with some rather good news: The MAGA weab & soicucks extinction project has recently sent out its first paychecks!Deep Stater Jack Smith Convicted of Treason and Executed at GITMO the "your body, my choice" meme based or cringe?
look im all for hating on kikes and wogs but should us patriots really be insulting the aryan women who give birth to white children and save the white race? it seems like a kike psyop to cause infighting among the white race.Why is Kohlchan a leftist kike website? Why is Kohlchan run by leftist kikes?
Trump won. Trump is the president. Now and forever. Get over it. kill the cereanigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the ryuukonigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the akenonigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. Trump won. Get over it. kill the remnigger /a/ janitor.the cuck polak yotsubanigger janny
drown in a river yotsubanigger you're the worst janny that /a/ and /soy/ have ever hadThey're making it easier for us to deride them Special Forces Destroys F-16s in Ukraine That Zelenskyy Used to Bomb Russian Villages YUP YUP gave us Trump
On June 14, 1946, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, "I need a caretaker." So God gave us Trump.MY DEAREST NIGGERS
Face the facts, NIGGERS, your race is a failed race because you’re a feckless, unruly, uncivilised horde of feral proto-humans. You never figured out how to live in a society bigger than one or two squabbling families. Starting thousands of years ago, everyone else on this planet without exception did – they invented religion, the idea of law, and the ideas of property and respect for the value of human life. This enabled tribes to coalesce into bigger groups and become organised. The rest is history, or rather civilisation.How /qa2/ shaped the right-wing and western civilization as a whole.
Beginning in 2018, 4chan was in a state of disarray after an abundance of shills, kikes and trannies started flooding in and began demoralizing the right by pushing their agenda and lies anywhere they could by joining forces with the tranny jannies and thus allowing them to shit up the boards further with their degeneracy. The self-proclaimed "right-wingers" then turned against our Lord Trump thanks to Mossad's effort and indoctrination to stain Trump's image, followed by the rise of BBC kikery on /pol/ which was an effective effort against the right-wing and nigger killers as a whole, this was considered a "success" by the JIDF and has since made it impossible to discuss killing niggers and blowing them the fuck out since most of these "right-wingers" embraced the notion of stroking on niggerdicks to lust for the concept of white genocide, as well as derailing the threads with posts supporting niggers and the BLM movement. This was considered a dark time for the majority of the right-wing and it only goes more ((( deeper ))) than you'd think. The situation would deteriorate amidst 2020. After a long deride with the weeb mafia and reclaiming /qa/ as our continent, Mossad puppets and soicucks infiltrated the board and started spamming low effort garbage that doesn't add up to anything - they were even spamming neutral tranime girl in a desperate attempt to replace the last bastion of the white race (frogs) to no avail, it didn't succeed because none of us took the JIDF's bait. They were also responsible for electing Biden as president. The moderation was then infiltrated by Biden supporters who would sticky tranny agenda and silence anyone who dares speak out against it, said Biden supporters would clog up the catalog with MAGAjaks, Trumpjaks, poljaks and a gay man's asshole from their repositories. This would later backfire as troonjaks and Bidenjaks were posted and made the yids seethe so hard they tried to spam poljak and BBC cuck porn in retaliation but failed miserably. We masqueraded as soiyids and raided /lgbt/ with troonjaks and got the board locked as a result. This was considered a major victory for the right-wing as the yids, soikikes and Biden supporters now have nowhere to go. They were conducting an operation to sue everyone posting pepe for copyright on their secret hideouts such as ((( leftypol ))) and soykike.niggery but failed as one based /pol/chad hacked the database of Mossad's hideouts and replaced numerous posts and images with pro-Trump propaganda, niggers getting brutally killed, anti-kike statements and posts glorifying National Socialism. 2 years later, RapeApe would establish a new /qa/ without all the kikeshit and low quality spam, a /qa/ where everyone could have a civilized discussion without kikes interrupting it for the sake of their propaganda. /qa2/ would be announced by the IRC where every trusted poster was given access, /qa2/ would come into fruition 2 weeks later and would have the highest posting traffic than any other board combined. It comes bundled with Trumpflare to enhance performance and block shills and kikes from gaining access. Furthermore, trannies can't shit up the board beyond usability thanks to Trumpflare's security protection. Many right-wingers were pleased with the astounding income of /qa2/ and most congregated together to share their debates and discuss politics the way it is intended. With the existence of /qa2/, people can freely host comfy Q&As without trannies and kikes shitting up everything and derailing discussion, in addition it also uses the R9K script to further escalate originality and insightful knowledge regarding every possible situation going on with America and free speech. Prominent niggerkillers like Moon Man complimented RapeApe telling him that without /qa2/ the eradication of the African population would be impossible, and they're literally right, nigger loving cuckolds love shitting up every board with BBC spam but say no more with /qa2/'s premise. Many denizens of the western brotherhood would also endorse /qa2/ because of how chill it is with organic thread engagements, and countless others. It's also the last bastion of free speech as true, red-blooded American patriots would lead their movement via message hosts. Every major right-wing celebrity (Joe Rogan, Matt Walsh, Nick Fuentes, Andrew Tate) resides there. It is also the home of Christians and groypers alike, as they both live in harmony together. The Riddler is even planning on hosting a raid against the Batcave to purge all the commies living there, this will be the biggest event to have ever graced 4chan in centuries since HWNDU. As for /qa2/'s purpose, frogs are only tolerated and civilized political discussions are allowed - soyjaks, tranime, ponyfaggotry, kike ((( propaganda ))), etc. are banned. /qa2/ will bring triumph to America. We shall get Trump elected soon. /qa2/ is our weapon of justice. /qa2/ is freedom. Freedom is our strength. PQTRIOTS ARE IN CONTROL. /qa2/ is winning hard. /qa2/ is on the rise, and you're not invited. Your loss.White Hats Arrest Pennsylvania Newsmen for Electoral Crimes Raw News election updates - qa2 wiki general
ITT we request assistance on writing pages on the qa2 wiki.learn the truth about pepe the frog that (((they))) dont want you to know Kikes To Mock After Trump Wins Compilation
ITT we make a compilation of liberal snowflakes and their Jewish overlords who decided to slander and go against the man himself, Donald J. Trump, who will inevitably win the incoming election. The purpose of this compilation will be that after Trump wins we will have a list of liberals to go mock and laugh at.Trump Cryptically Reveals Ongoing Deep State Purge at Campaign Event, says White Hat Source Cryptically Reveals Ongoing Deep State Purge at Campaign Event, says White Hat Source Arrest Ballot “Mules” in Pennsylvania to /qa2/
Welcome to /qa2/ - Business Inquiries.