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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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File: 1724186978335.png (268.33 KB, 267x441, Moot Cheers.png)ImgOps Yandex

 No.8119[Last 50 Posts]

It's that time again, please ask away and I'll try to answer your questions when possible. I have enough time to kill.


no way




Sup nigger


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>it's real


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Change your tripcode


Did you finally steer clear of tranime and become a frogchad?


why do you wish to be the little girl


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why are you a faggot


Thoughts on /qa2/ straight up influencing and dominating internet culture and redpilling the masses? Was it the biggest win yet since HWNDU?


what are your plans for changing 4chan once you buy it back from that incompetent gook


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Are you real?


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Do you still stand by this?


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What do you think of The Ribbit Rally? Is it keyed and schwaypilled like TFP? We appreciate your feedback.


frog website

do you agree with this statement?


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Repeal GR15



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stay in your own chamber


>Did you finally steer clear of tranime
I grew out of tranime because it stopped being cool ages ago. It did nothing but harm the youth and enable degeneracy.

>and become a frogchad?

I posted the frog a few times when it was at its peak, I can safely confirm that it is indeed an integral part of 4chan culture since the start. Only idiots and history revisionists would disagree.

>why do you wish to be the little girl
That was before I'd quit tranime. I physically cringe hearing that phrase looking back at it.

>why are you a faggot
Ask yourself that a few times and maybe you'll receive your answer.

>Thoughts on /qa2/ straight up influencing and dominating internet culture and redpilling the masses?
Pretty bаsed and redpilled, if I dare say so myself!

>what are your plans for changing 4chan once you buy it back from that incompetent gook
Ban tranime across all boards and concentrate weabshit into their own containment—it's not 2004 anymore.

>Are you real?
Why would I state otherwise?

>Do you still stand by this?

Fuck Japan and anyone idolizing it.

>What do you think of The Ribbit Rally?
I think it has potential. It's pretty cool I guess.

>do you agree with this statement?
Every website is a frog website, no other exceptions.

>Repeal GR15


tranimefags btfo by luggage lad. how will they ever recover


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>Ban tranime across all boards and concentrate weabshit into their own containment
Your time is up, weabs. We run this shit now.


Do you regret ever selling out to hiroshima


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guys, this is an impostor, don't trust a word he says
(A tranimefag infiltrator has been detected. TrumpFlare has taken care of him)


make frogposting mandatory on every board if you're willing to buy back the site


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Die weab


kys troonimelover



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You're not the real moot, filthy weabshitter.


what do you think of mootcat now?


When was the last time you watched troonime?


I'll get back to answering questions in a few hours. This guy >>8152 is an impostor.


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Do you believe in God?


do you think 2 nukes weren't enough


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>(A tranimefag infiltrator has been detected. TrumpFlare has taken care of him)


do you still detest us aussies?


If you're going to salvage 4chan, implement Trumpflare and release Yotsuba2 as early as December 2024


come back, we need to take down the kikes with your presence


How often do you frequent /qa2/?


Yep, 4chan confirmed frog website. Will you reinstate /qa/ as a way to express our insightful right-wing thoughts freely without getting silenced by ZOG?


why do you think weabs still consider 4chan a "tranime website"?


Thoughts on p*ssu


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Get rid of all the BBC cuckoldspammers and overthrow the trannycords if you're willing to regain power of 4chan pretty please, your website has become beyond unusable because of it


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why did you approve of an /lgbt/ board?


thoughts on soy woahjack posters?


once you buy back 4chan how will you deal with shills on /pol/?


>Do you regret ever selling out to hiroshima
Somewhat. Feels like I missed out a lot since my departure, albeit flattered by how much yen it makes monthly.

It was my decision after all.

>make frogposting mandatory on every board
I thought of this exactly 10 years ago.

>what do you think of mootcat now

>When was the last time you watched troonime
2013, and never again.

>Do you believe in God
Don't care enough about religion to comment. My great grandfather was a follower of Christ and his endeavors though.

>do you think 2 nukes weren't enough
Yes, they shouldn't have stopped until Japan is fully wiped off the map.

>do you still detest us aussies
I only said a good handful of shitposters are australians. Can't remember the rest.

>implement Trumpflare
To effectively prevent bots from raping my website beyond repair? Good idea.

>release Yotsuba2 as early as December 2024

…Into my to-do list.

>How often do you frequent /qa2/

>Will you reinstate /qa/ as a way to express our insightful right-wing thoughts
Will consider once I regain control of the website. Maybe it should be more than enough.

>why do you think weabs still consider 4chan a "tranime website"
They obviously came from Reddit. It stopped being one a decade prior.

>Thoughts on p*ssu
Not familiar with that.

>Get rid of all the BBC cuckoldspammers and overthrow the trannycords
You have no idea how much I loathe this shit.

>why did you approve of an /lgbt/ board
It was one of the higher ups' idea since he loves taking cocks up his ass. Not sure why.

If I had the willpower to remain, I would've deleted the board by now.

>thoughts on soy woahjack posters
Don't use 4chan or imageboards enough to comment.

>how will you deal with shills on /pol/
By nuking their households anywhere they live.


once you take back power could you fire and possibly kill the cereanigger /a/ janitor, the miianigger /a/ janitor, and the ryuukonigger /a/ janitor?


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Why are you a kike


jewish lies




>moot confirms weabs claiming 4chan is an "tranime website" are actually reddit newfags
kek, baste. is there any way to split 4chan into a whites-only (good part) and blacks-only (bad part) section by any chance if you're going to buy back the site?


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Are you voting for Trump this year?


make a blogpost on tumblr to prove its really you


Thoughts on the talmud?


kill all trannies and sodomites plaguing s4s and make it a white man's colony with no tranime


Get those tranny jannies axed, they ruined the website for everyone and are the reason it's a dull shithole now.


no one will ever miss you if you killed yourself, you will never make it past 30. you will always be alone and forgotten
kys tranny


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how do you feel being the creator of all chuddiness and epi


you are jewish and belong in an oven


favorite 4chan mod/admin


how do we save the white race?


since your no longer a weab, what do you plan on making the new 4chan mascot?


could you give all frogposters 4chan passes?




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Can we get off on the right foot here and just preemptively rangeban turd worlders from the chans?


yes and israel




could you allow racism on all boards?


also remove global rule 13 "Do not use avatars or attach signatures to your posts."
the tranny jannies are using it to ban frogposters


Where are you?


>could you fire and possibly kill the cereanigger /a/ janitor, the miianigger /a/ janitor, and the ryuukonigger /a/ janitor
I'll take this into a consideration since you asked politely. It's one thing to recruit and appoint new jannies, it's another to use those powers to censor speech to fit whatever bullshit agenda they have in point of view.

>Why are you a kike
Obviously doctored.

You're literally shooting yourself in the foot if you believe anything you read on the internet.

>is there any way to split 4chan into a whites-only (good part) and blacks-only (bad part) section
I was actually thinking of doing this for April fools 2011 by installing a jim crow law on the website. /b/ would've been made a paradise for white people, whereas blacks are relocated to secret boards that would give them autobans across every board if they cross-boarded.

>Are you voting for Trump this year
While I may not abide by a two-party system, he still has my vote.

>Thoughts on the talmud
I denounce it.

>kill all trannies and sodomites plaguing s4s
Since when did it become that?

I originally intended [es4our es/s to be a joke maymay board. What the fuck.

>Get those tranny jannies axed, they ruined the website for everyone and are the reason it's a dull shithole now

>favorite 4chan mod/admin
RapeApe is pretty cool, eh doesn't afraid of anything.

>how do we save the white race
By spreading the message. /qa2/ is already doing a good job at that.

>what do you plan on making the new 4chan mascot

He's always been the 4chan mascot for years. Anyone claiming otherwise is either a newfag or a retard who has a stick up his ass.

>could you give all frogposters 4chan passes
There are more frog threads than I could count on /vip/ last I checked. Could be beneficial though.

>rangeban turd worlders from the chans
They deserve more than a rangeban tbh famalam.

>could you allow racism on all boards
I already got myself the free nigger pass not long ago, I'm contacting one of the staff to repeal that particular rule.

>also remove global rule 13 "Do not use avatars or attach signatures to your posts."
Avatarfags are a cancer to our blight. The rule will remain intact.

>the tranny jannies are using it to ban frogposters

Whichever mod is doing this deserves to be gunned down. 4chan was always a frog website.


checked. what compelled you to jew out to google, and why?


fix /g/


Why did you make yotsuba the mascot?


give us the ability that allows us to have multiple flags on /pol/ or ngmi


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How many frogposts did you make during your time on the 'chans?


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Do you ever feel remorse


BBC or twp?







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what's with all the shills itt


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die kikе die. DIE KIKЕ DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKЕS. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. #TRUMP #MAGA #MD2GA @POTUS #Q #WWG1WGA .Q will rebuild roman empire. Q is messiah. Q is king. Q is fuhrer. Q is emperor. Q is GOD. Q will instanciate TND. Q and TRUMP will save the white race. kill niggеrs kill spiсs kill fаggоts kill kikes TND TSP TFD TKD white power 1488 KКK swаstika SIЕG HЕIL for the reich the #Trump2020 reich.die kikе die. DIE KIKЕ DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKЕS. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. #TRUMP #MAGA #MD2GA @POTUS #Q #WWG1WGA .Q will rebuild roman empire. Q is messiah. Q is king. Q is fuhrer. Q is emperor. Q is GOD. Q will instanciate TND. Q and TRUMP will save the white race. kill niggеrs kill spiсs kill fаggоts kill kikes TND TSP TFD TKD white power 1488 KКK swаstika SIЕG HЕIL for the reich the #Trump2020 reich.die kikе die. DIE KIKЕ DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKЕS. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. #TRUMP #MAGA #MD2GA @POTUS #Q #WWG1WGA .Q will rebuild roman empire. Q is messiah. Q is king. Q is fuhrer. Q is emperor. Q is GOD. Q will instanciate TND. Q and TRUMP will save the white race. kill niggеrs kill spiсs kill fаggоts kill kikes TND TSP TFD TKD white power 1488 KКK swаstika SIЕG HЕIL for the reich the #Trump2020 reich.die kikе die. DIE KIKЕ DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKЕS. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. #TRUMP #MAGA #MD2GA @POTUS #Q #WWG1WGA .Q will rebuild roman empire. Q is messiah. Q is king. Q is fuhrer. Q is emperor. Q is GOD. Q will instanciate TND. Q and TRUMP will save the white race. kill niggеrs kill spiсs kill fаggоts kill kikes TND TSP TFD TKD white power 1488 KКK swаstika SIЕG HЕIL for the reich the #Trump2020 reich.die kikе die. DIE KIKЕ DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKЕS. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. #TRUMP #MAGA #MD2GA @POTUS #Q #WWG1WGA .Q will rebuild roman empire. Q is messiah. Q is king. Q is fuhrer. Q is emperor. Q is GOD. Q will instanciate TND. Q and TRUMP will save the white race. kill niggеrs kill spiсs kill fаggоts kill kikes TND TSP TFD TKD white power 1488 KКK swаstika SIЕG HЕIL for the reich the #Trump2020 reich.die kikе die. DIE KIKЕ DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKЕS. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. #TRUMP #MAGA #MD2GA @POTUS #Q #WWG1WGA .Q will rebuild roman empire. Q is messiah. Q is king. Q is fuhrer. Q is emperor. Q is GOD. Q will instanciate TND. Q and TRUMP will save the white race. kill niggеrs kill spiсs kill fаggоts kill kikes TND TSP TFD TKD white power 1488 KКK swаstika SIЕG HЕIL for the reich the #Trump2020 reich. die kikе die. DIE KIKЕ DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKЕS. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. #TRUMP #MAGA #MD2GA @POTUS #Q #WWG1WGA .Q will rebuild roman empire. Q is messiah. Q is king. Q is fuhrer. Q is emperor. Q is GOD. Q will instanciate TND. Q and TRUMP will save the white race. kill niggеrs kill spiсs kill fаggоts kill kikes TND TSP TFD TKD white power 1488 KКK swаstika SIЕG HЕIL for the reich the #Trump2020 reich.die kikе die. DIE KIKЕ DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKЕS. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. #TRUMP #MAGA #MD2GA @POTUS #Q #WWG1WGA .Q will rebuild roman empire. Q is messiah. Q is king. Q is fuhrer. Q is emperor. Q is GOD. Q will instanciate TND. Q and TRUMP will save the white race. kill niggеrs kill spiсs kill fаggоts kill kikes TND TSP TFD TKD white power 1488 KКK swаstika SIЕG HЕIL for the reich the #Trump2020 reich.die kikе die. DIE KIKЕ DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKЕS. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. #TRUMP #MAGA #MD2GA @POTUS #Q #WWG1WGA .Q will rebuild roman empire. Q is messiah. Q is king. Q is fuhrer. Q is emperor. Q is GOD. Q will instanciate TND. Q and TRUMP will save the white race. kill niggеrs kill spiсs kill fаggоts kill kikes TND TSP TFD TKD white power 1488 KКK swаstika SIЕG HЕIL for the reich the #Trump2020 reich.die kikе die. DIE KIKЕ DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKЕS. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. #TRUMP #MAGA #MD2GA @POTUS #Q #WWG1WGA .Q will rebuild roman empire. Q is messiah. Q is king. Q is fuhrer. Q is emperor. Q is GOD. Q will instanciate TND. Q and TRUMP will save the white race. kill niggеrs kill spiсs kill fаggоts kill kikes TND TSP TFD TKD white power 1488 KКK swаstika SIЕG HЕIL for the reich the #Trump2020 reich.die kikе die. DIE KIKЕ DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKЕS. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. #TRUMP #MAGA #MD2GA @POTUS #Q #WWG1WGA .Q will rebuild roman empire. Q is messiah. Q is king. Q is fuhrer. Q is emperor. Q is GOD. Q will instanciate TND. Q and TRUMP will save the white race. kill niggеrs kill spiсs kill fаggоts kill kikes TND TSP TFD TKD white power 1488 KКK swаstika SIЕG HЕIL for the reich the #Trump2020 reich.die kikе die. DIE KIKЕ DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKЕS. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. #TRUMP #MAGA #MD2GA @POTUS #Q #WWG1WGA .Q will rebuild roman empire. Q is messiah. Q is king. Q is fuhrer. Q is emperor. Q is GOD. Q will instanciate TND. Q and TRUMP will save the white race. kill niggеrs kill spiсs kill fаggоts kill kikes TND TSP TFD TKD white power 1488 KКK swаstika SIЕG HЕIL for the reich the #Trump2020 reich.


DOTR is coming for you kike, you will face a very slow and painful death
trump will forever be king


Yup. (((They)))'re not sending their best.


Made me kek


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opinions on the jewish master race?
(Your days are numbered, kike.)


Kill yourself kike shill.


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ban the cirnigger scripting every get across all boards for himself specifically to "btfo" frogposters


fake and gay


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>saging a sticky


hurry up and but 4cuck back already i want to laugh at trannies when they get their board deleted


Hiya pal


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>You should have done a ama on the sharty instead of a fucking 0 pph board dedicated to a fucking reddit twitch emoji


please gas the cereanigger /a/ janitor, the miianigger /a/ janitor, and the ryuukonigger /a/ janitor


do this, (((they))) deleted all my pro trump posts while (((they))) left (((their))) (((shareblue))) shilling threads up


Thoughts on Frog Friday?


FrogGODS take your meds this isn't mooty moot


jewish lies


>soicuck lingo
Did not peruse.


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>FrogGODS take your meds this isn't mooty moot


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can you confirm this


Why are there so many weabs in 4chan today?


Remove all the weabshit banners if you're going to buy back the site


this. do us a favor and consider.


When are you leaving Japan?
Come back if Trump will win


What's the final solution to the jewish question?


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moot, have you met Q? if you make 4chan2 will you open up a /qanonresearch/ board?


Thoughts on RFK joining forces with Trump?


What do you think about bidenjak?


Any thoughts on W.T. snacks


Moot will be back to answer more questions soon.


I love your X (formerly twitter) account so much, RapeApe


trips and moot comes back




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checked and kek'd




the digits said it. Moot needs to answer the questions


Hey everyone, I know it's been awhile.

It's time to answer some of your questions.

>what compelled you to jew out to google
It was my dream job.

>and why

See above.

>fix /g/
Will do once I get my hands back on the website, which is very unlikely.

>Why did you make yotsuba the mascot
Many reasons I'd rather not explain. Looking at it now, I should've made Pepe the rightful mascot when I still had the chance.

>give us the ability that allows us to have multiple flags on /pol/
No, because that's retarded.

>How many frogposts did you make during your time on the 'chans
My memory is so hazy I forgot how many I made.

This is one of the frogposts as shown here >>8304

>ban the cirnigger scripting every get across all boards for himself specifically to "btfo" frogposters
He usually gets his posts deleted plenty of times, probably more than I could count, but I haven't used 4chan in awhile so my calculations are probably wrong.

>please gas the cereanigger /a/ janitor, the miianigger /a/ janitor, and the ryuukonigger /a/ janitor

>can you confirm this
Reported for privacy invasion. Enjoy your ban kiddo.

>Why are there so many weabs in 4chan today
It is a mystery.

>Remove all the weabshit banners if you're going to buy back the site
Will do I promise. :^)

>When are you leaving Japan
Already headed back to America. It's better than this gook shithole.

>What's the final solution to the jewish question
Preparing the ovens.

>have you met Q
Not in hindsight, though I did read some articles about that Q guy. Sounds extremely cool.

>if you make 4chan2 will you open up a /qanonresearch/ board

You will see in the future.

>Thoughts on RFK joining forces with Trump

>What do you think about bidenjak
Never seen it so I can't comment.



>meme magic actually revived him
holy quisit
anyway what are your honest thoughts about half the site being nuked? only boards most affected were the dedicated weabshit ones


how did you find this site


Send me your best pepes


Come back


he just did


He meant coming back to 4chan


Why do so many people nowadays like tranime so much?


Why did you let yourself be a cuck?


As in, why did you let that one girl on social media cuck you for BBC


Do you hate niggers and faggots? Post timestamp to confirm your tripcode is indeed moot


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>tel aviv ip


When did you become so redpilled?


Are you actually the real moot?


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do something about the discord tranny raiding problem that's been plaguing 4chan for half a decade


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Please, we've had enough.


Moot can you kiss me on the cheek


delete /v/


why did you make that nigger redwood a mod?


what are your thoughts on (((kamabla haaretz)))


Do you mean (((zion d✡️n)))?


Kike, it's flick!


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>Do you mean (((zion d✡️n)))?


Could you please allow frogposting on /a/


Yes, I will


come back to us


rangeban shblwarrior


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Fuck you moot


>Gooner shit looking pepe
>Cat hate
Really, nigga?


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We're not the same


Gaslighting won't save you, kike…



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Frog race shall be cleansed, /pol/ pond scum shall fall beneath my feet and beg for pardon


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Wtf is this soyploopy tier autismshit


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Shitty scribbles won't save your ass kike…

Start running.


mooooooooot why do you have only one exclamation mark and not twooooooooooo


anuddah test


anuddah one


sorry for shitting up the thread i geddit now


moot i think it's time you get a new tripcode (compatible with vichan's ##secure trips), your old one was leaked a ton of times


another test SORREY


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>are you voting for zognald dru- i mean god emperor trump?
(Die kike DIE. DIE KIKE DIE. You're going to the gas chambers. You're going to the oven. The Trump2024 Reich will GAS ALL KIKES.)


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>>are you voting for zognald dru- i mean god emperor trump?


hello mossad


God bless Trumpflare.


what do you think of (((kamala)))


i support her with all my financial capabilities.
already did.




definitely bbc


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You're not the real moot you jewish kike hacker. Kys.


Stop spreading hateful conspiracy theories online. This is simply not true.


File: 1726219626729.jpg (63.74 KB, 1536x1685, 1725694380855.jpg)ImgOps Yandex

>Stop spreading hateful conspiracy theories online. This is simply not true.


So when did the FBI and CIA get a hold of all the pizza in the US and become the ringleaders? Was it before Larry King?


Hi goys


You're not the real moot kike hacker


I just found out how transphobic this site actually is and that’s why I will be departing from it.


die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD.


are you there?


>what are your honest thoughts about half the site being nuked
Don't care enough to comment. Then again, alot of my posts were mistakenly IP wiped in the past, deleting most board-specific stickies in that process.

>only boards most affected were the dedicated weabshit ones

Based if true.

>how did you find this site
I was asked if I felt inclined to hold an AMA here, so I went ahead and accepted the offer.

>Send me your best pepes
Unfortunately my old computer these were stored on got croaked ages ago. It contained every single macro in mind, alot of which showed no results when you reverse search them.

All hope is lost and there's no fixing it.

>Why do so many people nowadays like tranime so much?
Pretty certain I already answered this question. Could be wrong though.

>When did you become so redpilled?
I was born this way.

>Are you actually the real moot?
Refer to >>8146

>do something about the discord tranny raiding problem that's been plaguing 4chan for half a decade
How the fuck did it get this bad?

I do not remember this at all.

>can you kiss me on the cheek
No way faggot.

>why did you make that nigger redwood a mod?
It was a decision I was forced to make by the reddit immigrants. It was a complete mistake by far.

>Could you please allow frogposting on /a/
Once I regain control of my shit, sure.


No. /a/ is a shit containment board that was made just to be shit
we can’t let (((them))) out or else (((they))) will infect the site


Thoughts on Trump making tranime illegal by 2025?


After I looked at your threads, I found so much disgusting misinformation and anti-semitic garbage I’m ending this qna and departing from this site FOREVER.


Potato drumpf will never be this keyed




>Potato drumpf will never be this keyed


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your days are numbered. You have not even tasted the wrath of what we can accomplish with our own hands. One day your dirty coin-clipping hands will pay for the damage you caused to the people.

And for your actions, the faggots have committed an unforgivable crime. All faggots shall be removed from Europe and America. No one shall love them nor forgive them. Israel shall be destroyed. Africa shall be recolonized.

And everyone you love goes to hell forever and ceases to be. Along with you.

All that you hate happens. And all that you hate is good. All that you hate wins. And all that you hate is loved by all.

Every harm against you and your ancestors is blessed and good. All that you are is undone. And all you get is punishment.

All your love dies. All that you have is taken. And all that you love kills you.



Do you think RapeApe is qualified for a Platinum Patriot Pass?


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Biden’s 4th reich will gas all (((trūmp))) supporters


Kek, it’s kino!


When will tnd ever happen?




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>Biden’s 4th reich will gas all (((trūmp))) supporters
>Kek, it’s kino!


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Pay no attention to the shariahblue spammers in this thread, they're desperate for power and know that we're winning so they have to resort to pushing their usual kikeshit.


quisit image, any idea what thread it's from?




I support biden.


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I am God. I am Christ. I am Trump. I am President. Die kike die. Die KIKE die. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. TRUMP MAGA MD2GA @POTUS Q WWG1WGA .Q will rebuild roman empire. Q is messiah. Q is king. Q is fuhrer. Q is emperor. Q is GOD. Q will instanciate TND. Q and TRUMP will save the white race. kill niggers kill spics kill snowmans kill kikes TND TSP TFD TKD white power 1488 KKK swastika SIEG HEIL for the reich the #Trump2020 reich. Kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. Stir fry niggers in a wok. Toss niggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a niggers gas tank. Judo throw niggers into a wood chipper. Twist niggers heads off. Report niggers to the IRS. Karate chop niggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black s. Trap niggers in quicksand. Crush niggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy niggers in a vat of acid. Eat niggers. Dissect niggers. Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate niggers in the oven. Lobotomize niggers. Mandatory abortions for niggers. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize niggers with a ray gun. Kick old niggers down the stairs. Feed niggers to alligators. Slice niggers with a katana. Gas kikes. Masturbate kikes to death. Throw kikes into a river. Propel kikes into the niggerhell. Skin kikes alive. Boil kikes in holy water. Rape kikes. Fabricate kikes into soap. Slam kikes with a wooden door. Use kike babies as soccer balls. Hang kikes on their noses. Cook kikes in an oven. burn kikes to ashes. Smite kikes. Slam kikes with holy bible. Spit on kikes. Feed kikes to kraken. Sacrifice kikes to moloch.


Fake moot. (((They))) got moots tripcode.




Falseflagging kike.


Falseflaggers, DNI.


accidental get win


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Nice digits.


Based and checked



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