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/soicuck/ - Offsite Soysphere Discussion

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How is this not grooming?


Nisoigroomers admitted numerous times that they want to groom as many children as possible to join their shitty imageboard


this nusoicaca is unironically using pronouns.


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this one was painful
from my experience it's safe to say anyone with shitty related accounts are retarded especially the racist ones.
you expect them to be based but they unironically fall for BAP and spam dogshit to themselves that no one sees


say it with me fros:
it's ok when soicucks do it

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post screenshots nigger lover

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>a sneedposter got the discord spinoff's main domain suspended
Praise Kek & Sneed.
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Goofy from Mickey Mouse. If you never heard of Dolan Duck jokes, check them



checked and sneeded

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Dear lord, I thought the soykikes came from /qa/, why did they decide to use it as their own cesspit?

I implore all frogpatriots to take a look at the weird shit they post on this board.


Hardly anyone on the sharty is from 4/qa/


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What the actual hell is their obsession with posting these weird weab characters edited into toddlers? Soyish rape tunnels?


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>dutch tranime


Its pedophile weab stuff

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Why do I have this urge to raid swedishwin.com? They do not even allow frog baits.

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Soyjaks are temporary pepe is eternal


Holy mother of Aryan hyperborean gene stock

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if we can't take down the sharty we will instead take down their dev
mud (quote) is a britbong and he has commited several crimes such as ddos and saying bad things about niggers so the police can have a good case against him
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He resigned not too long ago


Alright, also the information that I gathered is probably not about Donald, but I found another way to get it.
I will be going after another famous sharty member, it might actually be easier


100% agree with you
i tried looking for past dns history for it but got nothing


Shitposting is, unironically, healing.


Pretty much all of the /qa/ oldfrogs left because they realize how shitty the site has been over the course of 3 years

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~1600 posts spammed on the Shemmy




its probably quote


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1600 fph

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none of this is new information but let's take a quick look at the rules of the sharty just to keep things in perspective

>The minimum age to browse this site is 16, because that's the average age of a /qa/ poster.

if 16 is the average, that means there are approximately as many users under 16 as there are over 16 (also how would they get this number on an """anonymous""" imageboard? the underage bans surely wouldn't provide enough data for this. really makes you think)
even if there wasn't a single user under 16 using the sharty, why is the following guideline in place on /soy/?:
>By decree of Froot, Nikocado Avocado NSFW and coinslot are permitted.
so the minimum age (which is only enforced if you outright say you're under 16 like a retard) is in minor territory, and most users are minors, but they made an exception for the NSFW rules… to allow a man's asshole and homosexual pornography to be posted on the most popular board? seems like (((EPI))), doesn't it?
keep in mind that these children are always just one (1) click away from /nate/, where "Racebait, furshit, gore, and other terrible non-party related topics can be found" (taken straight from the rules page)… on a site made for actual kids

remind me why this shithole hasn't been shut down


weabcel kikebabies are yet again allying with libtards in an attempt to stop the evil frogposters. First, they allied with soicucks in an attempt to copyright pepe the frog, and now they want to copyright other memes such as kek and wojak. Notice how all of this is occurring immediately before the biggest election of our lives? This cannot be a coincidence. Also notice how redditors are allying with weabs and kikebabies, the very groups who have spent the last 5 years constantly insulting, harassing, and trying to dox them? Again, this cannot be a coincidence. The redditors are clearly under the complete control of some outside force. I believe they are literally being controlled by pedophiles, and possibly even Satanists.

We will kidnap every single soicuck and transport them to a remote island. On this island, we will create forced breeding programs. We will take the top 20% of soicucks, which I believe to be the least stupid of the species, and force them to procreate and live out the rest of their lives in this island paradise. The rest of the soicucks will be exterminated via nuclear weapons. After this is accomplished, we can finally begin the rebuilding process. We will take this time to institute proper education programs, teaching people the proper facts about the Holocaust and other sensitive issues, which we will make illegal to talk about on the Internet and in real life. Eventually, we will completely eradicate soicucks from the gene pool, and finally rid ourselves of these abominations.


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this post has improved my life and changed the course of history


the sharty is is in NO WAY kid-friendly. it's just a minimal age for a twitter immigrant, but not for a true soyboy.
true soyboys are 20 or older
>seems like (((EPI))), doesn't it?

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no matter how much the soykikes suffer remember it isnt enough

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