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/soicuck/ - Offsite Soysphere Discussion

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>nusoicacaclitty thinks some shitskin is responsible for all shit-tier soyjaks
>yet he posts shit-tier soyjaks
here is the link: https://kiwifarms.st/threads/soyjak-party-the-troonjak.discordy.145349/page-530#post-18906795

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>soyjak culture hasn’t been mainly about mocking soyboys for a while now, it’s now about ragebait countrywarring posts, obsessing over literal who namefags, obsessing over former imageboard admins, forcing the trendy new indie game or show to become le hecking troonjak.discordy kulchur, self inserting as a keyed A10 Hyperborean muscular chud, gooning to cartoon women, gooning to TND and DNB, doxxing literal whos just because of some gay Xitter drama, and mocking untermenschen like soyboys, trannies, 4cuckers, and the like


They claim shitskins only post some nasty shit because someone just happened to be a shitskin and not them while posting shit shitskins Also post.

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why is the shitty’s /pol/ filled with xitter immigrants? i feel like I’m browsing the 'ru


it's the countrywar board pal

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the spinoff was a mistake
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It's saddening to see how much those toddlers desecrate on /qa/ culture with their nonsense.
Nusoycacas don't even use soyjaks like how they were supposed to be used. They now use them as avatars for posts about their personal lives.
Nusoycacas can't raid for shit. They just doxx random people they don't like.
They don't even know who Lee Goldson or Jefre Cantu-Ledesma is. They only obsess about namefag subcelebrities and discord nonsense.
It's over, but they continue beating the dead horse that is /qa/, so much that they turned it's skeleton into a pile of dust, yet they keep whacking it non stop.


>They just doxx random people they don't like.
nusoitoddlers can't even dox KEK


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>It's over, but they continue beating the dead horse that is /qa/, so much that they turned it's skeleton into a pile of dust, yet they keep whacking it non stop.

True, sadly. It's better to remember the /qa/ community as it was, not what it's become.

Honestly we may need to distance ourselves from soicuckery completely in order to survive. I don't want this place to be invaded by nusoiboobies.



Do not promote this site then. Promotion is what lead troonjak.discordy to Being shit.


nusoicacas literally worship some normiefag youtuber for promoting their site

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lol soicucks

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Nusoicacas fear Lessons in Meme Culture. Sign this petition.


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remember when soicucks could actually raid?
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that's why it's SOVL


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the 13 year old kiddies from twitter can't raid for shit but the oldsoycacas can pull a few ones occasionally


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i a folder full of logcaps


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I was there.


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I was there.

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most nusois are porn addicts


underage thread

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average troonjak.discordy user


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twitterteens really do be like this



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who tf even uses troonjak.discordy anymore:
>datamining captcha
>all images on their cucked site in monitored by big brother first for approval
>only a 10 page catalog


nutroons of course, nutroonjak.discordy was already cancerous before the captcha




Sharty was bad from beginning?

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