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/soicuck/ - Offsite Soysphere Discussion

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Thank you guys for showing me the light.


Just don’t go spamming nicokado porn and we are good


we're redpilling millions


No I'm not one of those 'cado posters thankfully


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>Zuckbot every 2 hours
>Unironic furries, and other troon fandoms that need not be named
>Log gets BTFO'd by your frogs every 30 minutes
>Soyjaks barely even posted anymore: just forced traces, slopjaks, spadeson, and an occasional glowie raid consisting entirely of the same demoralization posts word-for-word OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER again
>Namefagging so rampant that they just deleted the fucking rule instead of, oh I don't know, ENFORCING IT?????
>It's gonna get worse after the 20th when the jartycucks (all 4 of them doebeit) are forced to migrate
I tried to defend it for as long as I could but you can't ignore this shit. Hope this community sticks around because Froot really is insufferable and all the other splinters are too deadniggery to be viable

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The sharty is genuinely horrible now.
Was there some TikTok shilling campaign or smth? It is literally the newest of newfags and now gen alpha shit like "unc" gets unironically used.
There aren't real threads anymore it's just people posting random shit (EX: "I eat butter" and nothing else) and page 1-3 is filled to the brim with 0 reply threads.
There isn't much left to do there now, Froot succeeded in killing off the site.
7 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I always protested bringing even more autistic kids from other platforms, but no one heard me and now look at the state of the sharty. Seriously the same can’t happen to the rally


Did the same thing. I warned soicacas about how bringing in nutroons would kill the site but they never listened


Guess promoting the site was a mistake from the beginning


They could've promoted the site to other altchans but no they didn't listen


I'm ok with us shilling to other altchans/4chan boards (excluding the shitty most of them hating us is a good thing), but getting noticed by other sites will turn /qa2/ into /sharty2/.

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I made the entire shemmy janny cabal seethe with ease


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>(((they))) had to autosage the thread and bump random froal to slide it


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Main frog spammer, send your best dead niggeralds ITT.

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froGODS can’t stop winning


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Wait what happened


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A obsessed soislutta spammed a few soyjaks and called it a raid. then it got removed by the mods

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Basedjaks are not even funny


It is a swedish psyop

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>no glowniggers
>no kikes
>no porn
>no spammers
Genuinely tell me something that is good about the sharty


we can laugh at them


I did not think about that. Good one kek


they worship israel and zionism "ironically" too



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opened sharty for the first time in a while and it's sad to see what a shell it is


It went to shit once they allowed phonefags in


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who deployed the gpt bots on the shart

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Lol. Nusoicacas think Pepe posters aka you are trannies



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oh no no no no ahahahahaha


fell for obvious bait

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What the fuck


thats about baraag.
its either a shadman scenario where someone drew art of real person (like he did to keemstars daughter).
or its sitation where they traced real cp.


we managed to take it down for some days btw

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