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/soicuck/ - Offsite Soysphere Discussion

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One time I encountered a nusoicaca in a CS:GO game and told him /qa/ lost but he had no idea what I meant or what /qa/ was, the great replacement is real
6 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


There will always be a cost.


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Say I wonder whatever happen to those oldchads?


Most of them moved on like everyone else, could you imagine having to sit through a shitty 4chan knockoff with 0 culture and more datamining all day


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We all moved here


Fair point the average frogchad is more older than the average nusoigarbage

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Face it the soyjak meme will die off and the soysphere will cease to exist and we frogchads will keep on posting pepes right after the shit show


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You sound like a disingenuous piece of shit rat kike, subversion kike, tranny enabling communist kike permanent wretch. DIE KIKE DIE. the holocaust never happened but it should have, and hopefully another one happens soon. EAT THIS SWASTIKA AND CHOKE TO DEATH ON IT YOU GREASY KIKE


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Soyjaks have been dead for 2 years, that's why the shitty is botted to hell and only has 10 pages qeq.


How do we spread the message


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By making high effort bait about how the soysphere is dead and nobody really cares about soyjaks anymore kek.

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it's just sad at this point


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They can’t even 'jak no more kek

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Isn't this guy a libtard


He's fighting against soikikes, sounds pretty keyed to me


more like pretty tistic

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nusoitoddlers got their domain back

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>soycucks on their other spinoff made a new board called /lt/ - Little Tokyo
>instantly enriched by frogchads on FROG FRIDAY
Soyweabiekikes on suicide watch. We're winning bigly.


/qa2/ won


I'm so fucking proud of /qa2/. Of us.


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How does it feel having your little hideout entirely occupied by frogCHADS? How does it feel spending nearly 4 years of your existence spamming shitposting websites with your faggotry, even going as far as to screech "tranime WEBSITE" to avoid criticism from highly intellectual people? How does it feel knowing you will never accomplish something worthwhile or even contribute to society while you get off to sexy tranime girls with unrealistic body proportions with your dusty cheeto fingers? How does it feel knowing that you will never be a functioning member of society, let alone trying to amount to anything in life? How does it feel knowing that for the rest of your pathetic existence, your only hobby was spamming tranime on a website where everyone loathes your kind, and it's already shunned upon? How does it feel knowing that no matter how many times you necrobump your own threads, you will never EVER be a real woman? Take all of this into consideration, you wasted your entire life on nothing. And for what purpose? To seem cool and special for consuming tranime, when it's a normalfag hobby? Ever seen a frogchad pull all this off? Probably not. At this point, you might as well just kill yourself, it's for the best.


Kek (((they))) just wiped all our posts, (((they))) are terrified.

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I don't even like soytan but holy shit this is pathetic
>this is a good chunk of the troonjak.discordy's activity in the last 24 hours


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oh my god who careeeeeeees
quit seething


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>He really thinks we're seething
We aren't seething at nusoibabas, we're laughing at them.

The 'tardy is one huge circus and everyone posting on it is a clown, and the clowns, for some odd reason think the people that are watching and laughing at them are "seething", which is not true.


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Shit about troonjak.discordy is getting too big in Kiwifarms.
It's quite sad.

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