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/soicuck/ - Offsite Soysphere Discussion

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crazy how the tardy's bleeding half its userbase after the leaks dropped
could this be a sign of project 2k25?


And now instead of working on fixing their issues they're falseflagging as frogs on the shemmy, nvsoijannies how CAN YOU EVEN


nusoibaby mindset

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Do nusoicacas ever make you laugh?
>yeah bro sootism is when you ban everything you don't like or something yeah
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kek i remember the fall out from that being so bad that their owner had to sell the site off


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they do realize they're on a bait site keyed on a bait board right?


keyed wordfilter


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Image of the average nusoiplipplop:


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is this REALLY how they think??? wait…. hold on….

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one of the soykikey admins just live streamed his suicide and blamed it on us. They're freaking out about it right now
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Please OP if you have the video, let us have it


they copyrighted it and they're handing out dmcas to those who dare post it


Shit, also on an unrelated note, kuz might be back, or at least someone is preteding to be kuz.


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what has sharty become

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What's going on with soyslutta.sharty right now?

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Soicucks just got hacked by discord trannies
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i aint shocked
might as well rename the site to discord.tranny


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>this all happens just before the presidential debate
what are the political implications of this


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If you still use this shitheap tranny discord circlejerk after 2022, I truly feel sorry for you


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>a sharty janny created /mare/ on the jarty
You can't make this shit up.

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>one guy with pepe avatar therefore all frogposters are discord trannies

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that's the guy who raped omegatronic robot tf2 bot hoster


Omegatronigger deserves to be banned.

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I do not find nusoicacas behaving like kids funny anymore. It's just plain sad. You could laugh at weebs because they are stupid. I do not find everything stupid nusoicacas do funny. It just feels like seeing your best friend become a jackass who ruins his own relationships with his closest friends and wonders why everyone hates him.

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we're going to RALLY!

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