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/soicuck/ - Offsite Soysphere Discussion

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File: 1727280966784.png (225.88 KB, 802x830, 1723308538397.png)ImgOps Yandex


drown in a river cereanigger you're the worst janny /soy/ has ever had
imagine literally just using your internet janny tools to just run a personal vendetta against someone 18 hours a day
that's you
that's what you're doing
kill yourself TRANNY

I am God. I am Christ. I am Trump. I am President. Die kike die. Die KIKE die. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. TRUMP MAGA MD2GA @POTUS Q WWG1WGA .Q will rebuild roman empire. Q is messiah. Q is king. Q is fuhrer. Q is emperor. Q is GOD. Q will instanciate TND. Q and TRUMP will save the white race. kill niggers kill spics kill snowmans kill kikes TND TSP TFD TKD white power 1488 KKK swastika SIEG HEIL for the reich the #Trump2020 reich. Kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. Stir fry niggers in a wok. Toss niggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a niggers gas tank. Judo throw niggers into a wood chipper. Twist niggers heads off. Report niggers to the IRS. Karate chop niggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black s. Trap niggers in quicksand. Crush niggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy niggers in a vat of acid. Eat niggers. Dissect niggers. Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate niggers in the oven. Lobotomize niggers. Mandatory abortions for niggers. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize niggers with a ray gun. Kick old niggers down the stairs. Feed niggers to alligators. Slice niggers with a katana. Gas kikes. Masturbate kikes to death. Throw kikes into a river. Propel kikes into the niggerhell. Skin kikes alive. Boil kikes in holy water. Rape kikes. Fabricate kikes into soap. Slam kikes with a wooden door. Use kike babies as soccer balls. Hang kikes on their noses. Cook kikes in an oven. burn kikes to ashes. Smite kikes. Slam kikes with holy bible. Spit on kikes. Feed kikes to kraken. Sacrifice kikes to moloch.


File: 1727281068573.png (Spoiler Image, 357.66 KB, 796x800, 1699792679820.png)ImgOps Yandex

your ip isnt


>the state of soytroon.discordy in 2024


your chromosomes arent XX

ywnbaw kys cereatranny


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How did it manage to become more rulecucked than 4chan

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kek, its kino


These words might as well have the same meaning.
We. Can't. Stop. Winning.

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kek, its kino

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File: 1727302943474.jpeg (86.18 KB, 541x406, IMG_4110.jpeg)ImgOps Yandex

the sharty is planning on attacking the registrar for theribbitrally.org domain.





Soibaba fail


nusoicaccas wont even send an email i bet


Because that worked the last time they tried it kek

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Sharty lost


no shit

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Raiding the zarty today just feels like poking a dead nigger and hoping it will react back


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you can easily sense them crying yet they deny it KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK



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File: 1727049003424-1.mp4 (5.92 MB, 480x714, FrogGOD Freestyle (No Zell….mp4)ImgOps Yandex




The frog obviously


Nates diss:
Flowed really well, It actually went pretty well until halfway thru, in the next half there are some gayass lyrics but thats not surprising for nate.
Frogs diss:
Also flowed really well, but not as good as nate. But the disses are better than nates, so ill give the frog the win.

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Yeah this wojak poster btfo this soykike
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He's right though, soyboys are a dead stereotype and soijaks pretty much became reddit tier meta circlejerk. When was the last time you saw someone fling around that insult


Unrelated question here but is the age of imageboards long gone


keyed copypasta, semi-keyed edit

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Soicacas should be wondering why they promoted their culture in the first place
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File: 1727013348918.png (407.9 KB, 1000x871, doublestare.png)ImgOps Yandex

a weabiekike mentioned trumpflare, should we be worried?


let him learn the truth and he will give up being a weab?
i might be stupid about this.


This is why gatekeeping is sometimes
a good thing


Don't worry the janjans will deal with these kikes


4cuck is dead kek

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