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/soicuck/ - Offsite Soysphere Discussion

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The entire /soy/kike catalog got completely wiped KEK!


which website though?


It got wiped again KEEEEEEK

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Where did the fucking PPH GO KEK


>caring about muh pph
Undercover s*ytroon detected. Do not pursue.

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Mass report jaksoy.party. Their registrar is porkbun and it has no anti ddos. You can also post on any VPN including tor. Spam it with red pills we need more.

There is CP on the site and they need to go

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No shit sherlock

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Please, force Lessons in Meme Culture to review Soyjaks

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Go on your phone in a chrome browser
Find extremely chuddy threads https://soyjak.party/soy/thread/8818692.html (example)
Go on X and report to related brands and Google that "adds are showing up on extremist content"
Repeat daily
The second (((froot))) stops getting paid the second the site shuts down


This also will work for the booru




deleted a comment for no reason marge.
did you know that 99% of soy population uses an adblocker when they visit the website from a pc?
the other 1% posts from mobile versions of Chrome or Safari(no ad blocker albeit).
thus, FRQQT does not get a lot of revenue from ads

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Any thoughts on this retarded thread?

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Soybabas "raiding" comments on a 4 year old video thus boosting it for the algorithm


Kek guess that's why this shareblue garbage was recommended to me

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Weab pedos created their own splinter
Lets redpill them and gas the kikes
5 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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it's actually true btw


this is not the end though, they very likely have no DDOS protection, so catch this, frogbros:


make sure to actually do this while the board is in this basic state


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notably, we cannot reenact the captain coal incident, the default user account was altered


keep on wiping the catty with frogs and kekistan

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how come almost every soicuck admin/janny with known ethnicity isn't white?
>doll is a churka
>max and froot are kikes
>angeleno and satoko are spics
>root and gemersonlakevandpalmer are pajeets
>j0el, sobot, red and lolkek are sandniggers
>ronald is a chink
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


I guess soot is the only Aryan in this shitty soysphere


Anything about him?


No but from what I heard he's actually of British descent


British are philosemitic. No wonder why sharty was doomed from the start.


Either that or maybe he's just a regular kike

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