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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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anyone got the crying smug pepe in suit image, googles a bitch with searching for frogs


try searching in the booru


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I'll stick with my frens until the end


kill every kike'd



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You're terrified, neanderkike nigger.
That's why you come here everyday plying your failed pilpul.
You know as well as I where this all ends. And we have effectively awakened enough of the Aryan Race so as you now have nowhere in OUR World where you can hide.
DNA tests and high tech will do the rest to hunt you down, and eradicate your vile, demon possessed bloodline for good.
You are already extinct, jew.
Sleep well.




(((they))) were scared of this thread so (((they))) were attempting to slide it before the true American patriot above me stopped their kiked ways



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word on the street is that shareblue media and blackrock are planning to merge into blacknblue incorporated


i kek'd



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Post new items on the McDonald's menu trump related. I'll start.
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Look what I got in my happy pede!




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The Führershake

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Mac tonight


praise be the moon


Killing niggers every night is my passion

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dnc council seething in 3…2…1…


frem but there was a kamalajak before this


kamablah is threatening to leave x over this one



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just in time for election day, a new "anti-spam" measure has been implemented on various boards, the most notorious being /pol/. their reasoning for this is to "stop bots and constant ban evaders"
coincidentally the nigger-tranny-faggot filter was removed around the time they implemented the measure on /vg/, almost as if they're preparing to drive away more regular posters in favor of bots or paid shills pushing their far-fetched (((agenda)))

in this case, they increased the 5 minute timer to 15 MINUTES, and now in order to get past this you have to give the federal assets in charge your email with your personal identity attached so they can track you down for the wrongthink. again, their claim is to "stop bots and spammers" from disrupting the boards but is that really the case? no. do bots or spammers truly care about having to wait 15 minutes? of course not, bots can't think so they don't care about having to wait out to post, the point of the new measures was to make a few more bucks for the site owners when they sell of the emails en mass to some retarded data mining aggregator and make organic posters wait to reply so bot swarms can steer the narrative
this is clearly the work of blackrock, if it doesn't stop now it'll certainly affect the whole website as means of stealing our election. we can't let (((them))) win us over

it's truly over, if we don't move to greener pastures right this instant, the blackrock agents will be deployed onto you and you can't escape them
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DOTR can't come soon enough for these ((("""people"""))), I can't stand this any longer.


4shit croaked a long time ago, this is just dragging its dead corpse down the streets.




Thank you for your service.


this needs to be seen

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Taking a huge fat shit right now


Thanks for reading my blog

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busy day today




We're still nigger hunting. Fuck off we're full

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