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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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This is why I always come here.


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2 keyed musical parodies on the same day, kikes will go absolute apeshit over it and it's none of my business anyway, let (((them))) be whilst (((they))) get lynched and gassed en route


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I, for one, am proud of this community and what we've accomplished to salvage this world of filth everywhere.

If it weren't for /qa2/, I would have nothing to live for.

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>I'm voting for Kamala


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another (((one))) caught red handed


let's print this out 120000 times and send it to every single newspaper across the globe. I'm not letting kamabla haaretz supporters get away with this

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Oh, no, no, no, no, no
No, no, no, no, no, no
No, no, no

See me redpill all the white men
On the bear and eagle cage
See Anne's jewish ball-point pen
Shills they rage and they sage
Fairies to the left of me
And kikes to the right

I have a gun
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Yeah this is a certified hood classic


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I think this thread deserves a sticky


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It's…. beautiful…



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>Mr Trump
wait what…


fake news

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(((shareblue))) is on full force right now


We won't let (((them))) get away with this.


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they're getting real desperate now kek, must be something in the water supply


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(((They))) are afraid of our success, what else is new?

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Facts about the jews:

- Subtlety is lost on them. They cannot comprehend and process the minor details.

- Most of them can be classified as psychopaths: "Psychopathy (/saJˈkɒpəθi/) (or sociopathy /ˈsoʊsiəˌpæθi/) is traditionally defined as a personality disorder characterized by enduring antisocial behavior, diminished empathy and remorse, and disinhibited or bold behavior."

- Their perceived intelligence is limited to stealing what others have done and make it their own.

- Only jews compliment other jews. You won't find much praise for the jews outside of their circles.

- Most US and EU jews lived in caves until the end of WW2 according to Patton.

- Jews suffer from a large variety of inferiority complexes and personality disorders that are all inherited traits from their parents. This makes them want to control everything, and destroy everything that is already better than them.

- Jews are some of the biggest offenders of nepotism and crony capitalism.
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- Jews want the destruction of the countries that took them in, yet the end goal of this destruction will be a global Africa. However they do not want to move to Africa now and rule those countries.

- Jews lack creativity.

- Jews have no sense of humor.


- Jews use unfair tactics against their opponents yet always play the victim card if the same tactics are used against them.

- Jews cannot hold a sensible conversation, and instead seek to destroy it.

- Jews have had laws against them for centuries and even though the laws are no longer, they do not seem to have stopped doing what the laws were protecting against.


- Jews ignore the truth when it is at its most obvious.

- Jews are shallow and materialistic.

- Jews don't plan for a sustainable future.

- Jews don't care about the environment.


- Jews want to make illegal facts that do not defend their limited world view.

- Jews are clumsy and awkward in their movement and behaviour. They can mask this with a little practice but they will not improve.

- Jews are the 1%.


>Jews supported slave trade
Now I understand why Abraham Lincoln got rid of it

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Never forget the efforts of this patriot before (((they))) shut him down. God bless.




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we will never forget what he did for us

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by the WHITE POWER of this ancient aryan rune i condemn all kikes to hell and permanently BANISH them from this board. WHITE POWER


Kek, it's kino!


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We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

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I sieg heil the #Trump2024 reich.

Do you sieg heil the #Trump2024 reich in your country?

If you're reading this, I closed the tab as soon as I made this thread. If you reply to this post, I will never see it. Stay mad.


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Of course I do.

HH and MAGA.


yes i in fact pledge for the trump2024 reich and believing in total kike annihilation, afterall these (((people))) have less than a year


apustaja is hitler?

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pictochat is jewhell


those fucking kikes butchered my precious pictochat

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