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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

Trump Won.
Password (For file deletion.)

Days until Trump's inauguration (DOTR)

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Really makes you ponder.


good thread


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Really gets the noggin joggin, doesn't it?

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Trannies aren't real women
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yep, this is known info


Checked and keyed.


Preach, brother.


this is known info op



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Donald Trump WILL buy 4chan on August 23rd, 2026. Screenshot this post.
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/qa2/ won


big if true


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Thank you for your service.



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Do (((they))) have any idea just how over it is for (((them)))?


it's afraid


No, kikes are too mentally ill


this kek


Checked and based

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Nigger hunting again, are we?


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im just making some kino posts on https://boards.4chan.org/qa2/

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he ate too much MAGAburger




incQrrect. MAGAburger is cQQked withQut seed Qils, the meat is 100% grass fed beef, and the vegetables are Qrganic.


Me when the Jews in the oven are done cooking

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Redpill me on "kek it's kino" and why do alot of /qa2/triots here use it.



Checked and based


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Wait, so we were using a meme pushed by that schizo this whole time?


Cram it, fundie!

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>calling X twittër



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hi is this MAGAadQnalds? can i get a MAGAburger with a side Qf freedQm fries?


Kek, it's kino!

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dQn't wQrry, patriQt. he gQt reincarnated as Trump and will finish what he started.

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