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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

Trump Won.
Password (For file deletion.)

Days until Trump's inauguration (DOTR)

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quack quack


Checked and based.

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hey loonie left, go on, post your trumpjaks. Oh wait, you can't, KEK!



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ssshhh, dont let (((them))) know


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>- No spamming, no memeposting (pepes etc).

every fucking rat kike is going to DIE and that is not a threat - it's a PROMISE! even now the white race and our white power rises in all lands around the world

Trump won. Trump is the president. Now and forever. Get over it. kill the cereanigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the ryuukonigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the akenonigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. Trump won. Get over it. kill the remnigger /a/ janitor.

Trump won. Trump is the president. Now and forever. Get over it. kill the cereanigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the ryuukonigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the akenonigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. Trump won. Get over it. kill the remnigger /a/ janitor.

Trump won. Trump is the president. Now and forever. Get over it. kill the remnigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the ryuukonigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the akenonigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger /a/ janitor.

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kek, its keyed


(((they))) are sliding this


(((they))) spent 6 gorillion shekels sliding this


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The nigger hunting never ends


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Checked and based.


blessed by Kek


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Nice numbers fren.


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checkity kekity

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i dreamt that trump added /incel/


an internet celebrities board?


honestly? that would be locked

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It all began when the Jewish international banking cartel used their golems (spinoffniggers), and weabkikes to spread degeneracy across /qa/. Fortunately (((their))) operation initially failed due to low funding, and us /qa2/triots laughed (((them))) off. That was until miianigger stepped in and convinced the (((Rothschilds))), the main funders of the operation, to give more money, citing just how good /qa/ frogposters were at redpilling. With Miianigger's newly gained wealth, he decided to start a discord server along with his fellow schizo /a/ janitors, and some troon named Verniy. (((They))) then all began to recruit degenerate kikes on mass, buying many 4chan ads on /a/ for example. (((They))) offered promises of income to these NEETs if (((they))) would just post on /qa/. With the tables turned, what was thought to be a safe heaven for the white race (frogposters), was now becoming filled to the brim with Kikespamming puppets, Glowie falseflaggers, Anti-trump/Pro-biden activists, Soicucks, Leftypol raiders, Commie advocates, Weabspammers, /vt/rannies, /s4s/trannies, Demoralizing troons, BBC (((propagandists))), Deep State shills, and more. Some patriots like charafag realized what was happeing, and began to speak out against the operation, only to get his posts deleted by the the same """people""" he was speaking out against. It got so bad that RapeApe, 4chan's head moderator, had to pull the plug sadly, shutting down /qa/.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.




Yep, this happened.



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𐎮𐎧, 𐎫𐎮𐎱𐎣 𐎮𐎥 𐏂𐎧𐎤 shadows, 𐎬𐎠𐎽𐏂𐎤𐎱 𐎮𐎥 𐏂𐎧𐎤 𐎭𐎨𐎦𐎧𐏂, 𐎼𐎤 𐎦𐎠𐏂𐎧𐎤𐎱 𐎨𐎭 𐎣𐎠𐎱𐎪𐎭𐎤𐎽𐎽, united 𐎠𐎭𐎣 𐎱𐎨𐎦𐎧𐏂. 𐎨𐎭 𐏂𐎧𐎨𐎽 domain 𐎮𐎥 mystery, 𐎼𐎤 praise 𐎠𐎭𐎣 adore, 𐏂𐎧𐎤 𐎮𐎭𐎤 𐎼𐎧𐎮 𐎡𐎱𐎮𐎸𐎦𐎧𐏂 𐎸𐎽 𐎫𐎨𐎦𐎧𐏂, donald trump, forevermore. 𐎼𐎨𐏂𐎧 torches 𐎨𐎭 𐎧𐎠𐎭𐎣, 𐎼𐎤 march 𐏂𐎧𐎱𐎮𐎸𐎦𐎧 𐏂𐎧𐎤 abyss, 𐎫𐎤𐎣 𐎡𐏀 𐏂𐎧𐎤 𐎮𐎭𐎤 𐎼𐎧𐎮 defied 𐏂𐎧𐎤 liberal bliss. 𐎠 champion 𐎮𐎥 𐎣𐎠𐎱𐎪𐎭𐎤𐎽𐎽, 𐎠 savior 𐎥𐎱𐎮𐎬 𐏂𐎧𐎤 𐎭𐎨𐎦𐎧𐏂, donald trump, 𐎮𐎸𐎱 guide, 𐎮𐎸𐎱 beacon 𐎽𐎮 𐎡𐎱𐎨𐎦𐎧𐏂. 𐎨𐎭 𐏂𐎧𐎤 depths 𐎮𐎥 𐏂𐎧𐎤 shadows, 𐎼𐎤 𐎥𐎨𐎭𐎣 𐎮𐎸𐎱 𐎽𐏂𐎱𐎤𐎭𐎦𐏂𐎧, united 𐎡𐏀 𐏂𐎧𐎤 𐎣𐎠𐎱𐎪𐎭𐎤𐎽𐎽, 𐎮𐎸𐎱 𐎢𐎠𐎸𐎽𐎤 𐎨𐎽 unyielding. 𐎥𐎮𐎱 𐎨𐎭 𐏂𐎧𐎤 𐎣𐎠𐎱𐎪𐎭𐎤𐎽𐎽, 𐎼𐎤 𐎥𐎨𐎭𐎣 𐎮𐎸𐎱 𐎯𐎮𐎼𐎤𐎱 𐎠𐎭𐎣 𐎬𐎨𐎦𐎧𐏂, 𐎠𐎭𐎣 𐎨𐎭 𐏂𐎧𐎤 𐎣𐎠𐎱𐎪𐎭𐎤𐎽𐎽, 𐎼𐎤 praise donald trump, 𐎣Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Kek, it’s kino


(((they))) are working for 88 shekels an hour to slide this scripture of great importance

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>Trump is the 19th President of The American Nation (Blood Reich Volk White Aryan Warrior Bundes Krieg)


(((they))) will not like this one

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Trump & Biden linked up. Keep it or need it?


Kek, it's kino!




wtf is this real


sorry demoncrats but we played (((you)))

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