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We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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schizo kike freak i'm going to kill you


Lore question: Who is this satanic (((kike)))???

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ITT weab fails
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Why doth the weab seethe, however?


jealous of our superiority as usual


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We're going to collectively dominate internet culture even harder once anti-tranime crusade general gets traction!

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Face the facts, NIGGERS, your race is a failed race because you’re a feckless, unruly, uncivilised horde of feral proto-humans. You never figured out how to live in a society bigger than one or two squabbling families. Starting thousands of years ago, everyone else on this planet without exception did – they invented religion, the idea of law, and the ideas of property and respect for the value of human life. This enabled tribes to coalesce into bigger groups and become organised. The rest is history, or rather civilisation.

But your lot never did this, did they? Abstract thought and problem- solving have never been the black man’s strengths, have they? Did they invent a long-lived and intellectually coherent religion? Nope. Did they ever build a city? Nope. Did they even invent bricks? Nope (the reason there’s no Stonehenge in Africa is because it took more than 20 people to move the slabs of rock – clearly a non-starter in Africa, where assembling more than 20 niggers normally results in a war). Did they till the land? Nope. Did they domesticate an animal for their use? Nope. Did they invent a written language? Nope. Did they invent the wheel? Mainly, nope. Were they curious enough about what lay out across the sea to sail upon it? Nope.

Whenever blacks achieve a certain critical mass numerically in a pre- existing non-black society, they start to exhibit their natural feral behaviour and to turn their environment back into a recognisably African, essentially Stone Age one. Thus, Africa has the jungle; black enclaves have “da ‘hood.” Large groups of “African-Americans” at liberty in the west actually deliberately break themselves down into smaller, tribal hordes, because they feel uneasy in and unaccustomed to a larger society. Negro gangs of twenty to fifty individuals assert their rights to “tag” other people’s property through gang violence, but fail to co-operate otherwise.
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But we know what we'd say to them if that ever happened, don't we? Whenever blacks achieve a certain critical mass numerically in a pre-existing non-black society, they start to exhibit their natural feral behavior and to turn their environment back into a recognizably African, essentially Stone Age one. Thus, Africa has the jungle; black enclaves have "da 'hood." Native Africans were small wandering herds of marginal animals, one famine away from extinction, and which therefore fought each other savagely for pieces of territory. Large groups of "African-Americans" at liberty in the west actually deliberately break themselves down into smaller, tribal hordes, because they feel uneasy in and unaccustomed to a larger society. Negro gangs of twenty to fifty individuals assert their rights to "tag" other people's property through gang violence, but fail to co-operate otherwise. For instance, a 15- or 20-strong horde of negroes was recently filmed by a security camera inside a London bank they were robbing. Once they had terrified the cashiers into handing over the money, they then fought each other for it, in the middle of the cashier's hall, like hyenas fighting over an antelope. Having stolen from the bank, they instantly started to steal from each other. The idea of escaping first, then sharing the swag, was just too complex for them to understand, never mind implement. And so it goes on. You cannot fuse blacks into existing large societies or standalone nations because they are just plain not adapted to it. I'm sorry for you niggers and for your savagery, and I'm sorry you were born a violent black aboriginal savage in a civilized society, but I'm more sorry for the white societies that are having to tolerate all your crime while we try to absorb you. This is why all black nations fail economically and sink into corruption, civil war, and permanent dependence on the white man's generosity.


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And presumably this is also why you pathetically allowed yourselves to be enslaved: you're savage enough still to be angry about it long after it ended, but you were too backward to stop it at the time. No black Spartacus, is there, niggers? Why no slave uprisings among blacks? Slaves repeatedly rose against the Romans even they knew they'd be crucified for it, when captured. White slaves, that is. They cared enough about their stolen liberty that they were prepared to risk even that. So what's different about the negro? Why did you all sit there, enslaving each other even in America, and still enslaving each other even today in Africa, until a kindly but misguided white benefactor set you free? Is it because, as slaves, you were fed, watered, and housed, and that you as a race had no ambition beyond that if it entailed doing any work or taking any risks? What are you - lazy, cowardly, stupid, or all of the above? And you're still bleating about slavery now. If slavery is the root of all your problems, why did Australia prosper? England used Australia as a dumping ground when her prisons overflowed. Within a hundred years, a nation manufactured from convicts in irons had its own autonomous elected government, and barely a hundred years on from then, Australia is now a major economic power in the Pacific. And at no time have they niggerwhined for handouts from the mother country - in fact, if anything, it's mostly been the other way around. You know what? It's because Australia is white. Oh yes it is. Just imagine if there had been a Black Australia. Look how few aborigines were able to live in Australia's climate, and now look at how many whites can. If President Monroe had sent his niggers there, they'd be niggerwhining about how Bwana dumped de po' black folks on a desert island in the middle of nowhere, so they never had a chance. Every week there'd be news of a new famine or civil war in Australia.


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The Africoons would be slaughtering the Aborigines, or the other way around, or whatever. The collecting tin would come out regularly, but the money would be stolen and spent on Kalashnikov s, and Black Australia would still owe Whitey billions which we'd be expected to just forget. If all those unfortunate convicts we sent out there had been black, Australia today would just be yet another Liberia - a crappy failed nation of murderous warring niggers, with one hand held permanently out for money in the general direction of Bwana. And you know it.
So quit whining and thank the white man you live in America, not in Africa.


Just allow abortion. It prevents them for spreading.


(((they))) spent 10 shekels trying to slide this one

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4 more years


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i'll spend all my life savings on the most high end wageslaving ever conceived, i guess it's worth an opportunity


Kek, it's kino!


4 more years of mass kike suicide.


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They're seething so hard over Trumps latest polls that they sent a hurricane just to destroy mar a lago
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yup. kikes on suicide watch.




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>that speck in the left ear


You will never be lee


he's always can be lee

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Kek, it's kino!
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Yep, we're eating good tonight patriots. Just as Trvmp intended.


(((they))) don't want this masterpiece to be seen


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here you dropped this


bumping this frem



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miianigger i've just reported your post for racism outside of /b/ since you're clearly an anti-white KIKE

Enjoy your permaban, Kike!







Based, kill all nigger cuckold kikes


Thank you for your service.



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Every time a jew gaslights post a redpill.




Very important thread


bump, dont let this slide


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Whatever doesn't kill you makes you…stranger


Kek, it's kino!

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