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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

Trump Won.
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Days until Trump's inauguration (DOTR)

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kero kero


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is that a japanese tranime

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Today I will remind them
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Shillsisters… I thought we were good at being subtle…


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made me kek


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Does anyone have that one image of a Korean gook advocating for white genocide and encouraging racemixing and then a few posts in he accidentally revealed his own native flag?


Checked and sneeded

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good morning


gm fren



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Pouring out another one for the /a/ tranny squad


Checked but don't test them too much.

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>find patriot
>look inside
>he likes weab shit and furkike porn

what do we do about all the faketriots roaming around


We kill them.


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hit them with tactical memefrog techniques and such

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I said ribbit, not rabbi


Ribbit (total rabbi death)

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Pepe is getting his own CHADime very soon, let's start celebrating by creating "Is the Order a Frog?" generals on 4/a/.
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TRVMP is getting his own chadime too
it will be released on january 20th 2025


/qa2/ status: dominating eastern culture


Can't wait for some frogime kino


Same bros, the energy is hype.


bumping this frem

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When you're straight up dominating internet culture and spreading right-wing values but you're lowkey kinda chill


Kek, it's kino!


keksimus maximus


kek. point to this thread when shills call us non-versatile


Absolute kino.

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(((They))) are embedding (((their))) jewish Eastern culture in frogs though


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Where do they come from? What do they want?


It appears in the chin


on harold's cheek


keksimus maximus

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 No.1191[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Happy Frog Friday lads!

ITT: share and post your best frogs, you name it.
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leavin a summer one

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