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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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are there any companies that make a banana pudding mix that is certified never to have been touched by a non white?


i wish

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4chan is in absolute disarray right now. An anon doxed rapeape and found out he was a kike and recieving payments from NGOs such as Open Society Foundations (George Soros org). He was also running a botnet using the bots to raid /pol/. There's a few threads on X and they're running damage control ops right now. JIDF is at its highest activity levels I've seen so far. They deleted the thread, banned a lot of users and IP ranges, etc. Rapeape has made a post on Reddit about the issue and is threatening a lawsuit. He's going to come here sooner or later. He's already doxed a few of our posters. The guy is a real piece of shit and a massive kike.


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What does that mean for 4chan's /qa2/? Is it really over? Was RapeApe a backstabbing jew this whole time?


word on the grapevine is that our chadmin bought 4channel.org and that's why there's no nsfw domain split anymore

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>haha im so oldfag and lol internets 9000 on heyuri … im just liek oldhead desu posting based anime and not cringe pepe wojak xDDDDDDDDD xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

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remember when soytrannies tried to dmca every trump voter? It backfired so horribly I remember going there afterwards and noticing a very green catalog

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im out of the loop, what is this place and how did i get here?


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Old /pol/, but without all the kike bullshit.

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In the swampy depths, the amphibians' council of elders gathered to discuss the escalating threats posed by the Weebshitters and Soytroons, ancient enemies that had plagued their lands for centuries. Led by the wise and fearless Toad King, the council devised a bold plan to unite their forces and launch a unified assault against the foes. With the cunning of the Salamanders, the strength of the Frogs, and the stealth of the Newts, the amphibian army was poised to strike. They would converge on the Weebshitters' dark towers, shatter their crystal formations, and sever their connection to the Soytroons' dark sorcery. As one, they would then turn to face the Soytroons themselves, exploiting their vulnerabilities and driving them back into the shadows. With their enemies defeated, the amphibians would finally be free to reclaim their rightful place as masters of the swamp, their powers amplified by their unity and determination.

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I just got insider info from last night's meltdown and it's fucking hilarious, apparently a gang of weabs, shariahblue and deep state raiders, bidenbros, soitrannies, mossad infiltrators, paid shills, and demoncrats tried to sabotage /qa2/ and shit it up with all their obnoxious kikespam and low quality shillposting and Trumpflare automatically sorted this out at the exact moment they were spamming the promised land and all subsequently started having a collective meltdown, each and every single one of them is a pedophile groomer preying on underage girls and boys btw mind you, and they perpetrate this act by luring them into their Soros-funded enclaves they're inhabiting and lecture them on "how we should fight the evil fascist nazis observing their honor and tradition and freedom" because they're just that jealous we have more power and influence than they ever could. In turn, they tried to exploit a backdoor within /qa2/'s system but was quickly patched before they could get their hands on it and now they are dilating and seething over their attempts not going anywhere, and it's ALL because of freedom's merit. This happens when you try to mess with the name of freedom, you try to infest our home and tarnish our honor, you get blammed out on a whim by our powerful and effective technology. Praise Kek!


holy btfo
they truly arent sending their best

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>tfw there's a DEI shill on my /qa2/

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why doth the weeb seethe


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