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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

Trump Won.
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What will be the 3000th GET?


we'll see for ourselves


something based


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It better be


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shariahblue got btfo hard today

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My Hero.


off by one but still checked

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policemen swear to god


keyed music

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It's frog friday


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is it?


Oh ya it is

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i hate foreigners so much bros
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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>B…but people from way back when we…..
shut the fuck up libtard and deport yourself to sweden


no hablo libtard


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Sorry. Also, you niggas believe those Discord images like Communists believe Joseph Stalin was a hero.


Also Also, Shareblue? Nigga, I do not support immigration. I want my country to be more than pure as much as possible. Super pure.

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It is the year 2024. For more than 5 months since the opening of /qa2/, the Patriots stood watch in these hallowed halls. They were the masters of /qa2/ by the will of the gods, and master of a million threads by the might of their millions of /qa2/triots. They are the bulwark against the cancerous force known as the Weab Mafia. They are the Carrion Lords of /qa/ for whom a thousand weabshitters are sacrificed every day, so that they may never truly die.

Yet even in this dark era, the patriots continue their eternal vigilance. Mighty threads cross the daemon-infested board of Pissu, the enemy of /qa2/ and their greatest enemy, tranime. Vast posters give battle in his name on uncounted boards and threads. Greatest amongst the soldiers are the Patriots, the guardians of the halls. Their comrades in arms are legion: MAGA, Q, and the ever-vigilant /qa2/triots and the frogposters and Trump posters to name only a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat from weabshitters, soipedos, and leebaiter rats.

To be a poster in such times of terrible arcs, is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody board imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the days of the amazing QnAs and OC. Long are we from the days of the Rope, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned, only to be traced. Forget the promise of OC and new QnAs, for in the grim dark future of /qa2/ there is only war. There is no peace amongst the threads, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting weab/soicuck/leebaiter rodents.


A fatwah against weabs

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who up for the rallyist revolution


I am, we're going to make the kike shills seethe hard once we start a rally. It's going to be glorious.

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The lads at /brit/ would have loved to see it.

Me? Didn't vote LULZ

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You smelly Americans really adore this day when freemasons helped you create your country. No wonder why you are so cucked and have to rely on Israel. Hope this Trump guy does what he promised because I do not want USA to be this faggy anymore.


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Based robert clive poster

It's nice of the americans to keep alive the memory of when we used to rule them hundreds of years ago.

I just wish the rest of the world would pay us as much respect. I want a day of the year from each country to be devoted to us like the americans do.

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Shoot you local weab

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