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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Just anally raped a soytranny thread to death. AMA.
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.




Thank you for your service


thank you for saving the White race


Good work fro



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whats up with this site i've seen shilled all over the place on /r9k/? is it really straight up dominating internet culture and spreading right-wing values at an insane rate like you guys insist?
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


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I wonder who's behind that post.


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/qa2/ cannot lose. /qa2/ has never lost, ever, and that's a fact

this is a soikike, he is under the age of 16 and loves to post about black penis


kek get fucked kike


Isn't that the board full of shills, kikeshit and Kabbalah Kamala spam? I wouldn't know because I only really use /qa2/ and other groundbreaking trumpflare equipped imageboards like the ribbit rally


anti semitism is trans now? oh, dear.

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>Nogs being nogs
Not my problem


this tbh

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Brown, brown, I'm so brown
Baking tacos like a clown!


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/qa2/ never lost, it cannot lose. it's dominating internet culture at ease and spreading right-wing values at an amazing rate and it's making (((shills))) fume.


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In fact, we're just getting started.

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Notice how we don't ever talk about shills being here? Ever seen a tranny, nigger, pajeet or kike here? Nope? It's because Trumpflare won.



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I could’ve SWORN this guy died last week

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what's wrong with being jewish
they're against the deep state and support donald trump
Falseflagging shills like you will hang. DOTR is coming for all of you, and you will be put to rest. Your days are fucking numbered, shill.
Be quiet kike. You sound like a seething kike. Sage. Swastika in the thread. White power. White race. KKK. Sieg heil for the Reich. Trump2020 #Reich. I sieg heil. Volk for the krieg. Krieg for the Führer. SS.
Sage. Seething kike.
And for your actions, the faggots have committed an unforgivable crime. All faggots shall be removed from Europe and America. No one shall love them nor forgive them. Israel shall be destroyed. Africa shall be recolonized.
And everyone you love goes to hell forever and ceases to be. Along with you.
All that you hate happens. And all that you hate is good. All that you hate wins. And all that you hate is loved by all.
Every harm against you and your ancestors is blessed and good. All that you are is undone. And all you get is punishment.
All your love dies. All that you have is taken. And all that you love kills you.
#TRUMP #MAGA #MD2GA @POTUS #Q #WWG1WGA kill niggers kill kikes 1488 KKK swastika SIEG HEIL for the reich the #Trump2020 reich lynch niggers gas the kikes.
die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD.
Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the ryuukonigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it.


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Shariahblue falseflag thread. Do not engage


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(I love the Talmud.)


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There is only one reason the army of you faggots come here 24/7 to make utter fools of yourselves, you impotent kike faggot.


It's fun to watch.
You can't stop what's coming, niggercattle.
Everything you planned fell the fuck apart.
Because we told jokes.
…from our couch.

And we're still armed.

You're already extinct, faggot, and everyone knows it now.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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8 years later and he's still unstumpable. How does he do it?


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The power of Meme Magic.

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weabs are not good individuals.
everyone remembers that, right? they rub their cocks on body pillows and think they're japanese.
they try to learn japanese through tranime subs.
>baauhhhhh 4cuck culture-
4cuck culture my ass. your body pillow has aids.

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