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Trump Won.
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>>/weab/1733 but replacing "e" with "kill ni" and picrel with zoro from one piece


kek, keyed


quisit even

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Greetings barbarians foul Feds and glowies
I have came to you to bring chaos, starvation,war and great pestilence
23 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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>Trannies and sex change operations
>Sound familiar?
A planet of nearly 8 billion.

2 billion christians, 1.8 billion muslims, 1.2 billion hindus, a billion+ atheists and agnostics etc.

Only around 18 million jews. Simply do the math on pic related to see who has pushed the feminism/LGBT/tranny/grooming movement onto normies since WW2 and normalized it.


>Sound familiar?
Fun fact: Jew religion and jew schools teach that there are at least 8 genders

>Zachar, male.
>Nekevah, female.
>Androgynos, having both male and female characteristics.
>Tumtum, lacking sexual characteristics.
>Aylonit hamah, identified female at birth but later naturally developing male characteristics.
>Aylonit adam, identified female at birth but later developing male characteristics through human intervention.
>Saris hamah, identified male at birth but later naturally developing female characteristics.
>Saris adam, identified male at birth and later developing female characteristics through human intervention.


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>Communist hotbed, pushed by jews
>Sound familiar?

Putin: Communist revolution was mostly jewish, 85%


e.g. Karl Marx himself = JEW

e.g. The first Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party:

Krylenko Russian
Lounatcharski Russian
Ulyanov (Lenin) JEW
Bronstein (Trotsky) JEW
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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This glowie has taken an illegal substance
(die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD.)


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>(10 shekels have been deposited into your shareblue account)
>(die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to thPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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>Glowie pls bitchute blocks hateful content even if its historical

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Pajeets cant even run 10km without dying.
>Bad poo diet
Without meat consumption you cant have endurence.


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Have you seen the literal shit these jeets eat?
I guess cow dung isn't the "power sauce" the street shitters claim it to be.

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Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes; Trump won. Get over it.
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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Yup. Libshits utterly BTFO, only a matter of time until they have to live with Trump for more than 4 years, with no way of impeachment. You can't stump him, he's eternal, and he's here forever.


(((they))) won't like this


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Open Letter to ANTIFAgs. Due to the actions of antifa organization during the last election, AND due to the continued periodic actions of Antifa over the next couple of years. MY STATE has struck a deal. My state has a very well-established OUTLAW BIKER GANG that "owns" the state for its well established territory. This biker gang does toys-for-tots and various other PR work, and has in general good relations with normie citizens. You don't fuck with THEM, they don't fuck with CITIZENS. SO? Here's the deal, AntiFAGs. Everyone is tired of your faggot-shit. Us Republican "Nazis" as you like to call us? Have allied with the outlaw biker gang. (they are ALL republicans, they like their gun rights, go figure, huh). WHEN the presidential election starts to roll around, and my local city has the obligatory TRUMP rallies, REPUBLICAN rallies and FREE SPEECH RALLIES you faggots like to start fights at with your direct action so much? Guess what… the outlaw bikers will be there waiting for you. If you somehow manage to "mob" us all and "win"? I have it on no uncertain authority, that they will simply whip out their little cell phones, and call in the reinforcements, which will bring in EVERY OUTLAW BIKER IN THE STATE pouring into the city, on a non-stop seek and destroy antiFag mission. TRY US, faggots, just TRY US. We are laying a trap for you TRAP-faggots, and we can't wait. Fuck with us assembling peacefully. Fuck with us on election day. I triple dog dare you.
UPDATE: since Antifa has been officially labeled a domestic terrorist organization? You wont be getting "love" from the cops anymore, the COPS have a hard on for you assholes too. I just *hope* you pick the "wrong" state and "wrong" city to start your shit in this time around. "Tick, tock, tick, tock"




(((they))) are sliding this

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Howdy frogbros.


not much


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checked btw

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Millions: getting redpilled en masse


We're winning massively.


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frogs won yknow?




i know

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Live, Laugh, Croak



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if /qa2/ was a movie, what would its tagline be?




I will NOT bow down to a demonrat zogbot.


kike. you're being killed.


"When the redpills are so strong, it's even asserting dominance."

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