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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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had a nightmare where trantifa curbstomped the guy who made bidenjak and kikejak


has anyone ever made a kabbalahjak yet


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everything in the modern world under (((their))) control is being turned into a humiliation ritual the olympics the pride everything with their stench on it is being used right now. all modern media is made to humiliate and demoralize white men and further crash birth rates.

when was the last time you watched TV? every single ad and show and sliver of media is there to humiliate the white race.

white men in TV ads act clueless until minorities show up and show them how products work. silly white man that's not how the butt tickler 5000 works… have a girl boss niggress show you how to use it.

in TV there are no nigger or jewish or minority villains only evil germans and evil blondes.

all of this villainy is done under the guise of diversity to appease the (((modern audience))) but Europeans are already the most diverse people in the world without shitskin subhumans in our media we have every hair and eye color and every body type. Even our brown eyes are beautiful and rich in depth. whereas nigger eyes are black like voids. no life. no thoughts. no souls

all niggers to ever exist have brown hair brown skin brown eyes and brown shit yet they are seen as the most diverse race on earth? how humiliating. it's a humilation ritual.

white men aren't alone in this asian men are also under attack because they aren't subhuman golems like niggers are. Japan south korea and china are all under constant kike threat with their media slowly drifting to ours. In japan last month a "pride" humiliation ritual was held in tokyo where kike flags and rainbow american flags were held above the jap flags. Look up any city and then look up pride in that city and tell me who's behind it? (((you already know)))

this is one of the first steps to redpilling normies is getting them to see this once you show them they can never un see it and will think of kikes every time they are humilated on their goyslip niggercattle tvs
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one more thing to shit on the demoralizers before I go…. remember how weimar ended? thats the united states in a few short years

lightning always strikes twice on kikes


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kike shills get the rope

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>when the goyim don't know

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We're so here for this. Epic!!




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(((Shills))) are so done for.


demonrats on suicide watch, the west is so fucking back



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new oc
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Keyed, kikes will not like this one.




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(((They))) fear the meme magic


Kek, it's kino!

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>TrumpFlare will be temporarily disabled for the time being.
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it's gone now


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Is TrumpFlare back up?


Seems like it.


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Literally unstumpable. Freedom shall always prevail.



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just saw a kikejak. Of donald trump. The guy who just took a bullet for his country. I'm gonna need a moment



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what happened to trumpcha???!!!


(((they))) took it down


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Those fucking kikes, they'll pay for this




it's back

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Dropping a bombshell tomorrow, it will be regarding /qa/ culture and how it evolved into /qa2/.
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Libtrannies are gonna have a field day with this one


(((they))) wont like this


indeed kek


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