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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

Trump Won.
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Saudi owned website


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die kike


Die sandnigger.


Hitler worked with them. And Trump likes them.
Idk what the problem here is?
(Stay comfy in Tel Aviv while you still can; cause I swear to Adolf Hitler himself if you foreskin-munching, nation-subverting, degeneracy-pushing, hand-rubbing, gene-stealing, oy-veying, christ-killing, loan-usuring, interest-charging, false-flagging, palestine-murdering, antichrist-worshipping, "liberty"-bombing, child-sacrificing, well-poisoning, terrorism-funding, 9/11-orchestrating, oven-dodging, war-profiteering speech-censoring, truth-suppressing, pilpul-shilling, penny-picking, genital-mutilating, epstein-islanding, white-genociding, ISIS-running, usury-committing, abrahamicreligions-faking, BLM-supporting, refugee-welcoming, nigger-slaving, adrenochrome-collecting, pedophilia-legalizing, porn-broadcasting, JIDF-shilling, pajeet-promoting, LGBT-flag-flying, coin-shaving, compound-interesting, clotshot-injecting, 6gorillion-crying, forever-kvetching, idea-stealing, talmud-thumping, fractional-banking, shitcoin-scamming, ponzi-scheming, shareblue-owning, Arbeit-avoiding, Rothschild-sucking, rhinoplasty-doing, eternal-victim satanic chosenite terrorist elite-mid-manager motherfuckers make yet another shitty "Trump is a Jewish shill" post one more time, we will gas your illegitimate ass so hard you'll wish the holocaust actually happened.)


You guys are mean and I eat pork. Something those smelly Jews don't eat.

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I just got a notification that Trump ReTruthed the documentary Africa Addio (1966) in its entirety.


>it's real




Definitive proof that /qa2/ has single handedly shaped western internet culture.


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I'm so proud of this community. You never see anything like this on any imageboard, we send our regards.
Many cheers.

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>At a MAGA party
>want to make a point about legal vs illegal migrants
>ask my hombre diego to show us his green card
>"Uhhh I left it at home"
Should I report him to ICE? I don't want to accidently besmirch the honor of a American citizen but Diego should've known that immigrants are expected to carry their papers with them at all times.


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yes, report him to ICE

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shills are in full force today


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(((they))) are terrified of our success

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Kek, it's kino!


Did anyone ever notice the star of david on the israeli flag? Im starting to think israel might be jewish.


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>Im starting to think israel might be jewish
jewish propaganda.
These same kikes will also say some blatantly false bullshit like "Hitler was a nazi" in an attempt to demoralize you and the White race by extension… Never trust these kikes on anything


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Also the holocaust didn't happen


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redpill alert


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I am keyed, soikikes are locked

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I have an announcement to make




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Fuck niggers. That's all

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God DAMN I love being American.


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i am trump. i am christ. i am god. मैं हूँ। मैं ॐ। 卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐। १४८८।

काफी शरीफ खानदान से बिलॉन्ग करता है। काफी शरीफ खानदान से बिलॉन्ग करता है। काफी शरीफ खानदान से बिलॉन्ग करता है। काफी शरीफ खानदान से बिलॉन्ग करता है। काफी शरीफ खानदान से बिलॉन्ग करता है। काफी शरीफ खानदान से बिलॉन्ग करता है। काफी शरीफ खानदान से बिलॉन्ग करता है। काफी शरीफ खानदान से बिलॉन्ग करता है। काफी शरीफ खानदान से बिलॉन्ग करता है। काफी शरीफ खानदान से बिलॉन्ग करता है। काफी शरीफ खानदान से बिलॉन्ग करता है। काफी शरीफ खानदान से बिलॉन्ग करता है। काफी शरीफ खानदान से बिलॉन्ग करता है। काफी शरीफ खानदान से बिलॉन्ग करता है। काफी शरीफ खानदान से बिलॉन्ग करता है। काफी शरीफ खानदान से बिलॉन्ग करता है। काफी शरीफ खानदान से बिलॉन्ग करता है। काफी शरीफ खानदान से बिलॉन्ग करता है।




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>he doesn't know


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the milk in my fridge expired


(((they))) finally beat /qa2/, though just this once

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