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Trump Won.
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ITT post fash/quisitwave


Checked and based



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>Jew with a Russian proxy
One or more of the /soy/ janitors is an inbred mutt ukrainian cossack turk rapebaby with a cuckoldry fetish. (Mustardnigger). I'm guessing this is you.

>Jew with an British proxy

One or more of the /soy/ janitors is a literal black incel and black cuckold. (Quotenigger). I'm guessing this is you.

>Jew with a Italian proxy

One or more of the /soy/ janitors is an inbred hick mutt swede with a cuckoldry fetish. (Frootnigger). I'm guessing this is you.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.




quote lives in the uk angeleno has his IP i believe


its a proxy though. we all know he lives in tel aviv


never let (((them))) memoryhole this



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So a few days ago an anon happened to google Pictochat simulator on google and came across a website that emulates the classic Nintendo DS pictochat chat app. When we started checking it out it was filled with kids, seemed pretty typical.

But then we realized that there is no moderation, no IPs are saved, you can easily rejoin with new names to bypass temporary blocks, you can even log in on various tabs in order to pretend to be multiple people at the same time.

We noticed an incredibly high prevelence of transgender people on here and adults that seem to be grooming kids into becoming trans. Even trying to convince all the anons spamming and trolling to become trans and that they were repressing. We found an online profile of one of these individuals and there was some suspicious stuff. Particularly that they were clearly an adult but they were following and being followed by furries and yaoi accounts.
73 posts and 55 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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He claims he is 20 now. So he would have been 17 then if that was 3 years ago.


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Ayu admits to being autistic. Says he never realized it was a bad idea to link a website called boykissi.ng to his professional programming projects/websites.





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>Jew with a Russian proxy
One or more of the /a/ janitors is an inbred mutt ukrainian cossack turk rapebaby with a cuckoldry fetish. (Ryuukonigger). I'm guessing this is you.

>Jew with an American proxy

One or more of the /a/ janitors is a literal black incel and black cuckold. (Miianigger). I'm guessing this is you.

>Jew with a Swedish proxy

One or more of the /a/ janitors is an inbred hick mutt swede with a cuckoldry fetish. (Cereanigger). I'm guessing this is you.


you can only find a well though out analysis like this here on /qa2/




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Well said. Those kikes have less than a year.


preach brother


spoopy numbers

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Trump's family = Scottish and German

Therefore Scottish and German songs are patriot approved songs


maga rock is in the white house tonight


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Your keyed license, give it to me, now.


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Sorry OP but I can't give credit



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Bacon cheeseburgers are prime white man's food.

Jews can't eat bacon.
Muslims can't eat bacon.
Indians can't eat beef.
Other non-whites will probably get sick from cheese due to lactose intolerance.


yeah i love goyslop too

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Prove you're not a newfag

ITT, we type:

Gas the kikes race war now
Hitler did nothing wrong
I wish the holocaust did actually occur
Niggers are not human
Israel did 9/11
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Gas the kikes race war now
Hitler did nothing wrong
I wish the holocaust did actually occur
Niggers are not human
Israel did 9/11


Gas the kikes race war now
Hitler did nothing wrong
I wish the holocaust did actually occur
Niggers are not human
Israel did 9/11


Gas the kikes race war now
Hitler did nothing wrong
I wish the holocaust did actually occur
Niggers are not human
Israel did 9/11


Gas the kikes race war now
Hitler did nothing wrong
I wish the holocaust did actually occur
Niggers are not human
Israel did 9/11


Gas the kikes race war now
Hitler did nothing wrong
I wish the holocaust did actually occur
Niggers are not human
Israel did 9/11

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>Biden won
Quisitbros, our response?
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


That was cereanigger falseflagging, quisit is our means of praising patriotic values and to express our thoughts for any /qa2/ post of high quality. He was using his janny powers to astroturf /qa/. We have no tolerance for his smearing campaigns.


true. i remember that one time when he moved every insightful pnn thread for the kikespammers to derail it. i will never forgive him for this


total cereanigger death


jewish falseflag



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Trump won 2020. They pulled off the biggest fraud ever because they realized America was going back into the hands of the people and not satanists.

Follow the white rabbit. TRUMP WON.
24 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Extremely quisit.


>(((they))) are still working overtime to memoryhole this


Blessed digits, absolutely phenomenal.


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Q is still with us.


someone is paying top dollar to have this slid. Let that sink in.

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