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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Leftist kike shills on twitter are sharing fabricated screenshots to defame elon's imagery and make him seem like a filthy tranime lover
Musk has already stated in his qna that he detests tranime and prefers frogs and was even participating in the prolonging weeb war siding with frogs, posting thousands upon thousands of rare pepes in the catalog, thus making the whole argument pointless

Do not fall for this psyop and stay vigilant. Have a good day.

Remember that niggers aren't human and trannies aren't real women






(((they))) are sliding this

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I'm Dqnald Trvmp fqrmer president qf the Vnited states
I fvlly endqrse the ribbit rally and their strvggle against sqycacas
Alsq, If I get elected as president again I will create a portal tq hyperbqrea, enact the TND act,become the supreme leader of the USA and give every aryan motherfucker a goth gf

Ask me anything btw


can you put every nigger in a zoo and livestream them fighting


This is up to debate but my idea was boiling them alive


What's your biggest fear? Will you eviscerate every Jew in your country once you get elected? And what's your favorite thing about freedom?


1.That AMERICA is anexxed by me*ico
2.Of course I will, nigger
3.saying nigger



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>>>78554928 (You)
>Nobody is going to believe that for a single millisecond. If you think someone would, that goes to show how fucking retarded you are.


Why are (((they))) seething so hard at moot's new Q&A on /qa2/?


(((they))) are seething because he doesn't follow (((their))) ridiculous pozzed ideologies kek, if only (((they))) knew

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>he actually turned on weabshit
what having keyed excellence does to a man, settle down weabs you will never be quisit


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Where's your God now, weabs?


tranimesisters… i thought he was your idol?

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>he's here




Luggage Lad


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>Ban tranime across all boards and concentrate weabshit into their own containment—it's not 2004 anymore.

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Trust the Plan.

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where's the qna?


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I'd also like to know


It's live.


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don't give the blue helmets an inch


checked and true

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We. Are. Winning.

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new 'toss


Marge moment


i don't get this one sorry


A worker makes a mistake at his job, he then gets fired and replaced by an AI that is much worse at his job than he is

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