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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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We will now return to the old traditions to summon Kek onto this day so that Kek may maximize our entertainment in the debate.

Praise Kek.


Praise kek.

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this was the moment the kikes realized that the /qa2/ train is unstoppable

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A weab almost hacked us


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hes getting roasted
hes getting rekt
even shrekt
hes withering on the vine
he cant even speak
id say biden is toast but that would be an insult to toast
he may fall over dead any moment
he even still has time to pull another vatica nor D-Day ans shit himself


the trump reich is imminent
i can already hear the wails of soon-to-be-deported mexicans


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lol Vegas is telling you to put it all on MAGA red joes chances are dropping by the second!


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(((they))) have less than a year

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holy based

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Bump for interest.

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Let's appreciate the two most triggering words in the English language right now as they become stark reality.


>B-b-b-but he lost! Every media and tech company says so, you fucking far right fake news asshat! Just accept the truth!!!

No, he did not. Election results won't be certified in critical states Joe Biden needs to claim 270. And even if they are, it doesn't matter. Trump won't leave and everyone will be forced to accept this.

>Wtf! We're winning the Georgia recount. They will certified and that rotten orange pumpkin will be dragged from office! Joe will get over 270 electoral votes guaranteed.

No, he will not. Even if this scenario comes true, there's literally no one to remove Trump if he decides to stay. The ONLY way you can get rid of him is if he concedes and leaves on his own, which he's promised he won't do.

>T-the army! The police! The CI-fucking-A! The Secret Service! They'll take him out.

You mean the people leftists spent the past year shitting on and who lean 70% Republican? Okay.
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Fun fact: Jews were repeatedly asked to peacefully leave the country all through the 30's, most famously under the Haavara agreement

After WW2 was under way, the jews that had refused to leave were put into camps, just like the Japanese-Americans the US put into camps. They were seen (rightfully) as a security risk. They were treated well by POW standards, better than the US treated the Japanese. Typhus was a major problem in the early 20th century.The camps were riddled with typhus (a disease spread by lice, hence ALL the camps having Zyklon B on site, it's a pesticide) and eventually as the war turned against Germany (24/7 bombings by the allies, invasions on all fronts, food and material supplies cut-off etc.) you saw a lot of disease and starvation in the camps… just like you saw in the German civilian population and what you would have seen in the US camps had the US come under such duress.


And then, for the ones that refused to leave willingly, after the war was under way they planned on deporting them, hence the camps. Germany literally created plans to send the jewish population to Madagascar. Support for the proposal was first made June 3rd 1940 in a memo from the German Foreign Office, then got Hitler's approval, and it was nearly put into action before Allied gains in World War II made it untenable.


What an odd sequence of events for a country supposedly intent on "killing the jews".


>Hitler rightfully expels the jews
I wonder how many brainwashed NPCs out there believe Germany was the first country to try to expel the jews?

Fun fact: Jews have been expelled for their subversion at least 1,030 times

Full list with sources:

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Have your local kindergartners learned their holohoax myths yet? And how to hate themselves via critical race theory?





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Thank god so many jews magically survived these "death camps" so that they can now educate our children as to how evil white people are.


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Never forget the 6 gorillion jews instantly turned into dust by electricity.

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we're winning bigly


uhm… issagem

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I swear to you, Donald Trump, as Führer and Chancellor of America, that I will be loyal and brave. I pledge obedience unto death to you and those you appoint to lead. So help me God.

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They're spamming /g/ and /r9k/ with poljaks and anti-white propaganda. They are terrified because we're winning, and they want to tear us apart just before the election.


let's start running holocaust redpill ads on 4chan, X and youtube. We're winning bigly, and we must rub it in (((their))) faces


They already got banned by based rapeape KEK! Shills are utterly scared

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