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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

Trump Won.
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/qa2/ Wiki Is Live

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Yikes, that was awkward


Just like your filename of that frog.

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yesterday i have gotten an email from porkbun (TRR's registar), here is what they said, and my response. If you have any inquiries, post them ITT.
>inb4 switch registrars
yes, i will (soon)
24 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


What captcha software does trr use? is it open source or is it custom made like the mcCaptcha on the sharty?


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Pretty sure I've seen that captcha before sometime during late-stage soot sharty, I think it's open source but I could be wrong though.


built-in vichan captcha


You should change the registrar to eranet, same one 8kun is using


i will be switching registrars tomorrow
ik what ill use already

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The other /a/ janny, if you're wondering, is a literal black incel and black cuckold who lives in Florida. He's a real dysgenic Steve Urkel looking clown cocksucker. He is known universally on /a/ as "Miianigger", and he's been hated on /a/ for years. You can even look in the archives and know it's true.




we need to torture the miianigger /a/ janitor the most painful way possible



Everyone needs to see this


(((they))) are working overtime to memoryhole this because (((they))) know it's the truth

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new 'toss


the joke is that he's getting raped


2nd panel, Window on the right door of the police car.


The entire plot is such obvious jewish demoralization, yeah there's no way I'm watching that pozzed movie.


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I'm the anal gapeler baby


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Gas the Kikes
Kill the cereanigger /a/ tranitor


kek… Now THIS, is what the kikes truly fear…


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nothin personell kid


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OUCH, it landed on me!


Your loss, soykike. Try not being a homosexual next time.




best thread on this site rn

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Why So Serious?

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What will happen to this site after Trump wins


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We continue exposing (((them))) and doing our usual duties, just as Trump, Hitler, and Christ intended. Trump will personally have (((them))) roped on DOTR as ordered.


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every (((shill))) will be gassed


this kek

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/qa2/ fucking WON.


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Was there ever a doubt?


kikes on suicide watch


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We got a lot of bad genes in our country right now and frankly it's the kikes' fault.


Meme magic will fix this



Checked and based

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