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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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(((kikes))) BTFO


(((Shareblue))) is gonna dilate real hard upon hearing this.

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Gentlemen, I am leaving this site and Soyjak sites.
Both sites feel gay for writing same shit and being into dramas.
It was fun browsing while it lasted.


you'll probably come back in like a week like you always do croat


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Marko Separovic leaving for the last time, a tale as old as it gets


Good luck croatbro.


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God is great bros


Christ is king

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Meme magic so real it changed 5000th post in front of my eyes


did it really tho


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No, I just forgot my (((pills)))

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why does Archibald seem more wise and mysterious than Pepe or Gunther?


no such thing


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gunther erasure will. not. be. tolerated.



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is it true that crowdstrike has some sort of relationship to the government
does anyone have any actual proof of this?
did the gov intentionally release a bad driver to fuck with things to distract us or stop something?
tech bros are still cleaning up this mess
what would the implications be of having that kind of wide spread reach knowing how easy it is to release a bad driver to take down global economies
is this a test run or is my tin foil hat on too tight?


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dont care bout new fotw

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Fuck Frogs
Fuck tranime
Fuck 'zellig
Fuck Soyjaks
Fuck Bane
Long live Sneed


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>Fuck Frogs

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If Donald J. Trump thinks, I agree.
If Donald J. Trump speaks, I listen.
If Donald J. Trump orders, I obey.
If Donald J. Trump has a million fans, I'm one of them.
If Donald J. Trump has one fan, I'm that fan.
If Donald J. Trump has zero fans, I'm dead.

Who is Donald J. Trump?
In geography, my world.
In history, my queen.
In mathematics, my solution.
In biology, my medicine.
In mythology, my God Emperor Fuhrer.
In astronomy, my universe.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Why are (((they))) so afraid?


Kek just how obsessed is this kike, does (((he))) really think firing up his (((spambot))) will do anything?


literal troon behavior. no wonder he got paid by the mossad to perpetrate this act on us


No shit, see: >>4668

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Weabcel kikebabies are yet again allying with libtards in an attempt to stop the evil frogposters. First, they allied with soicucks in an attempt to copyright pepe the frog, and now they want to copyright other memes such as kek and wojak. Notice how all of this is occurring immediately before the biggest election of our lives? This cannot be a coincidence. Also notice how redditors are allying with weabs and kikebabies, the very groups who have spent the last 5 years constantly insulting, harassing, and trying to dox them? Again, this cannot be a coincidence. The redditors are clearly under the complete control of some outside force. I believe they are literally being controlled by pedophiles, and possibly even Satanists.

They're desperately trying to destroy Trumpflare before other right-wing communities are given the same protection. Everyone knows we had a good economy under Trump. There has been no sign that it is getting better under Biden. Everybody knows we had energy independence under Trump. There has been no sign that our energy dependence is getting better under Biden. Inflation is on an upward trajectory, not down. Infrastructure is crumbling, not rebuilt. We haven't added any miles to the wall under Biden, we've added nothing to the middle class under Biden and all the "jobs" are going to immigrants under Biden. There is not one issue on which Biden can beat Trump. None. And every day that the media keeps pushing this phony baloney is another day when somebody wakes up and says, "What the fuck? Biden sucks!". The right-wing is winning, and they're very, very scared.





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